Couldn't get the CLI client working


Hey Gemini,

I'm editing this file using sloum's chalk editor, which is kinda like a more friendly ed. I could see myself writing other things with this editor too, but for right now I'm using it to test posting to using nothing but the command line. That's why I manually wrapped this text (later I unwrapped it) -- there's a handy ruler that shows me when I've hit 80 characters.

I could probably write an essay using chalk or another terminal text editor, but I would prefer to use a graphical editor I think for a long long text.

Unfortunately I couldn't get the bash script working -- 'readarray' doesn't appear on Mac OS Catalina I guess, and I'm not willing to troubleshoot until 2am.

How was today?

Today was pretty good, all things considered. Work was good, definitely improved by the cat sitting next to me and trying to eat my headphones. After work I went out for dinner with my family. I had a lamb shashlik, which was absolutely delicious.

Not much else to report, honestly. I did some wash and had a nice shot of

horseradish vodka. Now I'm going to go to sleep.


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