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✎ 1: 2021-10-01
✎ ∞: 2021-10-17

SSH Keys

Generate SSH Keys

Often ou need a SSH key pair to identify your self on a hosting site where you upload your *.gmi files.

The following command creates such keys without doxing information.

One key file (*.pem) is private to identify your self as you, the other key file (*.pub) is public for all others to identify you as you.

To use such a key you may have to convert it into a other key format such as *.ppk.

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f "KEYFILENAME.rsa.4096.ssh-key" -C "" -N "PASSWORD"
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -a 256 -f "KEYFILENAME.ed25519.256.ssh-key" -C "" -N "PASSWORD"


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