Favorite TeX packages


siunitx CTAN

siunitx is a very pleasant package for defining custom units with

LaTeX macros to ensure accurate, consistent typesetting of different

units. As the name might imply, it handles SI prefixes and the like

very nicely, and makes it easy to define arbitrary new units.


chemfig CTAN

After struggling with different SVG molecule drawing programs I

discovered chemfig, which is an excellent package that provides an

interface over TikZ for drawing molecular structures. It's a little

touchy, and the default bond angle of 45 degrees looks off (this can

easily be changed) but it is way more pleasant than needing to go to

another program and re-export an SVG whenever you discover a small

error in a formula. Especially if that program is ChemDraw running in

a VM.


minted CTAN

Just a nice package that hooks into Pygments to provide code syntax

highlighting. Kinda annoying that it requires a separate program, but

probably easier to maintain given what horrors I've seen looking at

the source of other LaTeX packages.