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The Werner Icking Music Archive, now part of the SunSITE server at the University of Aalborg,
Denmark contains music-related stuff. Click on the subdirectory name
to enter the ftp-server, which often presents additional README-files etc.,
or follow the data entries to enjoy the WWW-presentation of this music
archive. The the icon
points at a PDF-file, the icon
at a compressed postscript file, the icon�
at images and the icon
at short information.
(To view a PDF you must Download Acrobat Reader. It turns out that the latest
series 5.x of Acrobat Reader sometimes fails to render all symbols in a
score. Hence you should use an Acrobat Reader from the 4.x series with the
scores in this archive).
This is the definitive archive of software related to MusiXTeX, a music typesetting system based on TeX. You must have TeX installed before you can use any of this. To learn about TeX, try a google search on "TeX" and "Getting started" to see what's required.Otherwise, to proceed to the MusiXTeX software archive, choose between the software page (with descriptions and links), and file directory, which has all the linked files and some older files not linked from the software page.
Visit the event log of the sheet music part of the archive enumerating New Items and Revised Items
To add some stuff to this section upload it to the incoming directory of the Werner Icking Music Archive. Depending on your browser type you may do so by pointing your browser to When prompted for a password enter mutex. If that doesn' work connect to with an ftp client and login with the username mutex-anon and the password mutex. Don't forget to also send an e-mail about your upload to Christian Mondrup.
List of related archives of sheet music