
New Ribbon: Black and White

tags: books

matto has a new and shiny capsule running on a beaglebone black, using vger and ed. Yay, that is indeed smol computing. The capsule is still small, too, but I found this post really interesting:

There is an incredible, almost infinite, number of books out there. When choosing what to read, it is not possible to look at each and every book.


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I have read a fair share of books in my life. I have far too many of them, and recently I give them away more liberally. What good is a book, if it is read only once? That is probably not, what books were invented for. On the other hand I have purchased second copies of some books to give them away for "recommended by me"-reading. So I thought why not create a little list of books, that I whole heartedly recommend.

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