A page for music releases! Everything here can be considered released, even if it seems unfinished.
Bandcamp, for if you want to pay for things. Currently empty.
I tried FAWM (Febuary Album Writing Month) this year. Here's my songs. They're probably not good but hopefully are at least ideas. Either way I had fun making them.
In October 2021 I made a short piece of music every day for the #looptober creative challenge on mastodon. I've put all my loops in a zip file, along with a text file containing the mastodon posts they are from, for some additional context. It's a real mix of stuff, some better and some worse, but I hope you enjoy!
A while ago I joined #songaweek on tilde.town IRC to try and challenge myself to actually release music, and make some things that are different to what I often do. Here are things I made for it:
a dance-y chiptune sketch (week of 2021-09-13)
Louie Zong - Thumbnail (bass cover) (week of 2021-08-20)
Random jams. Top is most recent.