The Odin Programming Language
The Odin programming language is designed with the intent of creating an alternative to C with the following goals:
- simplicity
- high performance
- built for modern systems
- joy of programming
Example Code
package main
import "core:fmt"
main :: proc() {
program := "+ + * 😃 - /";
accumulator := 0;
for token in program {
switch token {
case '+': accumulator += 1;
case '-': accumulator -= 1;
case '*': accumulator *= 2;
case '/': accumulator /= 2;
case '😃': accumulator *= accumulator;
case: // Ignore everything else
fmt.printf("The program \"%s\" calculates the value %d\n",
program, accumulator);
Language Features
- Built-in types: strings, array, slices, dynamic arrays, maps, 128-bit integers, endian-specific integers
- Multiple return arguments[1]
- Consistent value declaration syntax
- Parametric polymorphism[2]
- Compile time conditions[3] (`when` statements) and stress where there is not full blown compile time execution
- `defer` statement[4]
- `using` statement[5]
- The implicit `context` system[6] and memory allocator system[7]
- Explicit procedure overloading[8]
Financial Support