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                   ~ Wrongton Ranch - Go Prep Yourself ~

Thanks for visiting Wrongton Ranch, we're physically located offgrid in Southern Tasmania, here you will find various resources we're using to get through our days as techno minimalists and mild preppers.

This capsule is hosted on an ESP8266 microcontroller that is also doubling as the temperature and humidity sensor for our fungus farm. Currently caretaking our crop of Snow White Oyster Mushrooms.

Recipes - Cooking, preserving and feeding our friends.

Tunes - Songs we might be playing around the campfire tonight.

Vehicles - Mostly maintenance logs for the various vehicles that live at Wrongton Ranch and the surrounding waterways.

Financial Resilience - Money is tacky, but if the world doesn't collapse it's an ok hedge.

Astronomy - A log of our dark sky activities.

~~ This capsule is currently hosted on an esp8266 microcontroller ~~

Temp: 9.70 Humidity: 100.0 - Thanks for visiting