There is a great little Android app called Markor [1] that makes it easy to make markdown or plaintext notes on the run. It also supports the todo.txt [2] format if you need a more structured todo list. I use Syncthing [3] to then keep these notes in sync with my other devices, where I can then use vim.
Syncthing apparently has an option to turn on versioning, but I tend to not store anything too life critcal in here, and instead have a git repo setup in my notes directory that I can commit the notes to in an ad-hoc fashion when I feel like I need a backup. If you do this be sure to setup `.gitignore` and `.stignore` files to avoiding commiting / synchronising the hidden files in the folder each tool makes use of.
As for todo.txt, while I have it installed it never caught on with me. I spend too much time in email browser organisnig my time, so I end just falling back to adding calendar events / reminders rather than creating an actively maintained todo list. For small projects or shopping lists I end up just using Markor's markdown files, but perhaps the todo.txt format would be slightly more convenient for this if I commit myself to it.