It is time to begin getting my shit together and start becoming a Functional Human Being.
At risk of sounding like Jordan Peterson, I think the first step is to clean my room. It is an absolute mess, and I do not enjoy spending time there because of all the clutter. If I want to take ownership of my space, to feel like I really belong there, and turn it into a place which actively helps me improve my life, I need to take care of the clutter.
I'm gonna publically journal this just to keep myself somewhat accountable, and also on the off chance that seeing the process helps someone else who finds themselves in my position.
Step one, today, is to convert the pile of dirty laundry into a hamper full of dirty laundry, and then ideally into a dresser full of clean, folded laundry. Tomorrow, I'd like to clean off my bedside table.
I'd like to design a sort of magickal cleaning ritual as well, in addition to the anti-procrastination ritual I already have (which I expect to also need 😅).