Seirdy's Home

It me! I'm Rohan Kumar, a.k.a. Seirdy (online handle).

Other versions of this site

Canonical versions:

Canonical Gemini capsule

Canonical Web site

Staging/rough-draft Tildeverse mirror:

Tildeverse Gemini capsule

Tildeverse Web site

About me

See the Director's Cut of my bio in the "about" page:

About me

Tech stuff: I care a lot about accessibility, and often use screen readers and forced colors to deal with overstimulation. I'm a FLOSS (Free, Libre, and Open-Source Software) enthusiast, software minimalist, and a CS+Math undergrad who likes watching anime and tweaking his Linux setup. Current interests include search engines, security, privacy, and the IndieWeb.

My perspective on software freedom is a bit different from the FSF's; I've been trying to distance myself from "fossbro" culture.

Git repos:




Since some people asked me about music, here's a generated list of every track in my library that I've rated 8/10 or higher:




PGP: 1E892DB2A5F84479

Fediverse (

Chat with me: I prefer IRC, where my nick is Seirdy on, Snoonet, OFTC, Tilde.Chat, and a few smaller networks. Alternatively, I'm on Matrix:

My secondary Matrix account for Synapse-only rooms is


Orbits (Gemini equivalent of webrings):

The Wormhole Experiment




Learn more

Privacy Policy

I don't collect anything except default server logs, purged regularly. More detail on a dedicated page:



Gemlog posts

2022-02-02: The right thing for the wrong reasons: FLOSS doesn't imply security

2021-04-16: Misinfo about Permissions Policy and FLoC

2021-03-10: A look at search engines with their own indexes

2021-02-23: Keeping platforms open

2021-01-27: WhatsApp and the domestication of users

2021-01-12: Becoming physically immune to brute-force attacks

2020-11-23: Best practices for inclusive textual websites

2020-11-18: Resilient Git, Part 1: Hydra Hosting

2020-11-17: Resilient Git, Part 0: Introduction

2020-11-02: Hello World

RSS feed


Other versions of this website

Canonical WWW version

Tildeverse "rough draft" WWW version

Canonical Gemini capsule

Tildeverse "rough draft" Gemini capsule

Copyright © 2021 Rohan Kumar

Website source code