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What's New
- Replaced my GPG key with Age for email encryption and Signify for signing commits. GPG is ancient, bad software.[1]
- Stopped accepting cryptocurrency donations. Proof-of-work cryptocurrencies waste obscene amounts of energy. Existing cryptocurrencies don't scale well. Their main use is crime and speculation on crime. The market is full of scams and false promises. No one really knows how to value them. They are potentially a systemic risk to the economy. So I do not wish to be involved any more. It's not like this journal costs much to run anyways.
- Entry summaries have been removed. I believe the title alone should be sufficient to communicate an entry's subject matter.
- Pagination and read time have been removed to simplify the journal layout. These features may be added back later after the scripts rewrite if I decide they further journal design goals. The goal of the design of this journal is to be minimally distracting and respect reader attention.
- Replaced Gitlab mirror with SourceHut[2]. SourceHut has many benefits over Gitlab. It doesn't assist ICE[3]. It doesn't require JavaScript unlike Gitlab. It's fast and resource efficient. It also supports Gemini, so all three journal mirrors now support both Gemini and the Web.
- Added I2P support[4] for CGit instance.
- Added I2P[5] and Tor support[6] on Gemini's main mirror. Readers can now browse the Nicksphere privately and without a Web Browser.
- Replaced nicksphere-gmi's Gemini to HTML Go library with my own[7], written in C. Journal generation is now much faster.
- Use spare server resources to run Tor Relay.[8]
Future Plans
- Rewrite nicksphere-gmi[9]'s scripts to improve efficiency, maintainability, and code quality.
- Document nicksphere-gmi's scripts separately.
- Add privacy policy to journal.
- Add 404 page to journal.
- Offer rationales for items listed on promoted page.
1: Goodbye PGP
2: SourceHut
3: Gitlab and ICE
4: CGit Over I2P
5: Gemini Over I2P
6: Gemini Over Tor
7: gemini2html
8: Tor Relay
9: nicksphere-gmi
Unless otherwise noted, the writing in this journal is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
Copyright 2019-2022 Nicholas Johnson