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I'm a professional front-end dev, but I haven't made a fun personal site as an adult. Ever. The indie web community has me inspired to get back into what I originally loved so much about the web, and what got me into eventually doing what I do for a living. I forgot how the web can be simple, personal and fun. I have a lot of React and Vue experience, but after a bit of research Svelte looks like a good option for what I want. I was able to get Sveltkit to generate a simple static page without extra JS. I got a lighttpd server up, everything is working, and now I'm ready to let the creativity flow. Also I really want to set up a Gemini caspsule soon too! 😄
💬 2 Replies · 1 Thumb · 9 hours ago
I got Spiderman on VHS from a market yesterday, and noticed the lid had snapped and was hanging on one edge, so I grabbed the lid from a donor tape I didn’t want, and did a swap job, and it worked, though it no longer snaps back into place, but that doesn’t seem to affect anything. The film plays fine, btw. It’s Open Matte and the transfer is fantastic, almost DVD quality!
💬 0 Replies · 1 Thumb · 9 hours ago
I'm designing an ISA and processor. If anyone here is involved with low-level dev or processor design: what do you think of using non-8-bit bytes? I'm thinking of making my bytes somewhere between 9 and 12 bits wide, with two bytes long words (between 18 and 24). It would have a lot of advantages, such as more characters fitting into a byte, a larger address space, and more total information that can be stored in memory, but what do you all think?
💬 4 Replies · 1 Thumb · 11 hours ago
Been inactive. Basically getting divorced. Not that it realy matters. Going through rough spot in my life.
💬 2 Replies · 1 Thumb · 13 hours ago
new to gemini so I'm gonna celebrate the fact that it /only/ took me a full day to realize I needed to refresh my identity cert to get this to work ROFL
💬 1 Reply · 2 Thumbs · 14 hours ago
The recent post by stacksmith about Raspberry Pis made me dig out my old (1st gen no Wifi) Pi. gemini://gemini.ctrl-c.club/~stack/gemlog/2022-05-27.pi.gmi I had some problems booting it in the last years but now I was able to boot Raspberry Pi OS. I plan to use the Pi as a simple headless server for some Gemini experiments. For this, I am trying to build Racket 8.5 from sources to be able to run dezhemini. Right now however, I am stuck at compiling ChezScheme. Maybe it is time to try out the available Common Lisp server.
💬 2 Replies · 0 Thumbs · 18 hours ago
Spent the weekend so far tweaking my Gemini PDA's Debian 9 install. Custom DWM as WM, Gnu Guix for modern software (afraid to upgrade Debian as I don't want to brick this device). Due to screen size / font size balance, went with 5 tags in DWM, and tmux in my terminal with a perisistent session. Rclone to sync with dropbox / phones / work laptop. Agenda via org mode, orgzly and beorg consuming the sync'd files on my phones (work + not work) for notifications. Mobile hotspot based networking while on the road (most of my life).
💬 4 Replies · 0 Thumbs · 19 hours ago
My G413's backlight is starting to die. K and Home keys started yellowing. The rest of the keyboard is unaffected and the keyboard itself works just fine.
💬 1 Reply · 0 Thumbs · 21 hours ago
Something unbelievably surreal happened a few minutes ago. I was out on patio listening to music when I hear a distressed squeaking. Look over and my cat is playing with a shrew. Get in between cat and shrew and shrew first hid behind my foot looking out for the cat before climbing pant leg about a foot. After scare cat off akward waddle over beyond patio to grass and shake shrew off. It stays for a moment and looks at me. I get a sense of appreciation and friendliness. I then proceed to kneel down to shrew and lightly pet its back with my finger a few times. (take note to wash hands after) It accepts my gesture! I sit on steps and watch it a moment more before it goes. Tonight was wierd
💬 4 Replies · 11 Thumbs · 1 day ago
New here, this is jynx from gopher://1436.ninja and gemini://1436.ninja
💬 1 Reply · 2 Thumbs · 1 day ago
A couple weeks ago I finally dusted off my .slrnrc and rejoined Usenet, prompted by the announcement of comp.infosystems.gemini. In addition to that and comp.infosystems.gopher, I don’t know what else to subscribe to. Is anyone else using Usenet?
💬 7 Replies · 0 Thumbs · 1 day ago
Hey, who of you is into old school cartoons? For myself I enjoy watching Bravestarr, He-Man, Starcom, Defenders. Ulyssses etc... it remembers me when i was in an age where everything was so easy... being in my 40s i wish i could be 10 years old again for some days...
💬 1 Reply · 3 Thumbs · 1 day ago
It would be cool to know how many people visit my site on a daily basis, but also I know im a person that gets too caught up with numbers and statistics to the point I would obsess over it or somehow view it like a 'score' in a game.
💬 4 Replies · 4 Thumbs · 1 day ago
Scribbles down "Own a Drive-in movie theatre" into potential independent buisness idea book
💬 0 Replies · 0 Thumbs · 1 day ago
After continuously complaining to many of my friends about not writing enough, I had a very strange dream last night which I turned into a bit of a short story. Great opportunity to plug them all I guess :)) gemini://ori.clifford.lol/library/
💬 0 Replies · 0 Thumbs · 1 day ago
Lately, in university, I've done a few pieces of homework in Ada (the first ISO OOP language ever), and I've had a few thoughts. Mainly along the line of: Why on earth isn't this language more popular? It just feels so good to program in, with the mixture of rigidity and flexibility in where you can declare variables, structures, or functions (needs to be in a declaration block, but these blocks can be opened pretty much anywhere), and the fact that threads are first-class citizens. Sure, it uses Pascal-like syntax, which is often annoyingly verbose, but I've actually found this a lot less annoying than the nonsense that is the entirety of Python, or Javascript.
💬 2 Replies · 0 Thumbs · 1 day ago
I wonder if there is a gemini ring for geminauts with Now pages...
💬 8 Replies · 1 Thumb · 2 days ago
Welcome. This is my anchorage on Station.
💬 1 Reply · 1 Thumb · 2 days ago
And in the naked light I saw Ten thousand people, maybe more People talking without speaking People hearing without listening People writing songs that voices never shared And no one dared disturb the sound of silence "Fools," said I, "You do not know Silence like a cancer grows Hear my words that I might teach you Take my arms that I might reach you" But my words, like silent raindrops, fell And echoed in the wells of silence - Simon and Garfunkel, The Sound of Silence
💬 3 Replies · 0 Thumbs · 2 days ago
🌊 Hi Station! This is such cool idea. I just recently learned about Gemini, and have gone down a rabbit hole of creative community on the Internet - where things are quieter without the social media noise. You can actually hear people, and be heard. It is very inspiring. Kudos to all you pioneers and refugees out in Geminispace.
💬 0 Replies · 8 Thumbs · 2 days ago
Yknow, Walmarts have a (literal) lot of empty space on top of them. Probably a good spot for some greenhouses or something. Everybody already goes there for food, having some community gardens would just enhance that ability. Not profitable though so of course it won't happen.
💬 2 Replies · 3 Thumbs · 2 days ago
I was at music practice, when someone I know from there approached me and asked if I’d be a drummer for his band. I figured why the hell not? He then said that he wanted to contact me online, but couldn’t become I wasn’t on any social media. I thought to myself “Mission accomplished!”
💬 2 Replies · 2 Thumbs · 2 days ago
Mia plej sxata koloro estas verda. Kio estas via plej sxatata koloro?
💬 5 Replies · 2 Thumbs · 2 days ago
Hello! I just joined
💬 3 Replies · 4 Thumbs · 2 days ago
I was sexually abused as a very little kid by 2 of my step-siblings, one of them male and the other female. And yet I don't hate all males or females. Why? Because I choose not to project what happened to me onto other people. I recognize that not everyone is the same as those people who hurt me. This is likely my default overly-logical mode coming out, so I'm not going to pretend to try to understand how people can stereotype others based on how they've been hurt in the past. I recognize that it happens, and I would certainly be sympathetic to their hurtful experience, but I can never agree to the stereotyping.
💬 5 Replies · 1 Thumb · 2 days ago
I just deployed a mastodon instance at https://antisocial.ly (because I had this domain name and I though it fits perfectly). I'm open to accept a few registrations, so if you are interested, just make and account and add 'station' as the reason :)
💬 2 Replies · 4 Thumbs · 2 days ago
Now, can I post to this from CP/M? #lifegoals
💬 2 Replies · 0 Thumbs · 2 days ago
For the ASCII art lovers: https://kirilllive.github.io/tuesday-js/tools/ascii_paint.html
💬 0 Replies · 1 Thumb · 2 days ago
puts "Hello World"
💬 2 Replies · 1 Thumb · 2 days ago
Station just hit 700 people! It's really cool to see this place still growing. I should pull out all the sign-up dates and graph it at some point.
💬 3 Replies · 16 Thumbs · 2 days ago
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