jdd's gemini thing

Posts on jdd's gemini thing

2022-04-30 - ESFCAS

2022-04-21 - Dear Internet I'm writing to you because

2022-04-16 - gemini rules

2022-04-10 - Re: Re: Everything Breaks

2022-04-02 - Back again to the retro-future

2022-03-26 - Painters and Hackers

2022-03-20 - Publish or perish - why not both?

2022-03-12 - The year of gemini on my desktop

2022-03-06 - 1998 Computer Project, Part 4

2022-02-20 - 1998 Computer Project, Part 3

2022-02-06 - 1998 Computer Project, Part 2

2022-01-29 - 1998 Computer Project, Part 1

2022-01-19 - Attack Surface

2022-01-03 - Why Gemlog?

Atom feed

Some capsules I'm keeping track of


To my home page on the web.


To the SDF cluster Gemini Homepage

To the SDF Meta Array Gemini Homepage