--------------------------------------------------------------------------- FD-FAQ.001 - September 24th, 1991 Frequently asked questions about FrontDoor, TosScan, and related utilities. Copyright 1991 Advanced Engineering sarl; All rights reserved. Published by Advanced Engineering sarl with assistance from the users of FrontDoor, TosScan, and related utilities, as well as the FrontDoor Help nodes. This document may be freely distributed for noncommercial and informational purposes. This document may not, under any circumstance, be traded, sold, or otherwise used for commercial gain or purposes without the prior written consent of Advanced Engineering sarl. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- These questions and answers do not appear in any specific order. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FD=FrontDoor Mailer FM=FrontDoor Editor TS=TosScan --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: In FD version 2.01, and later, occasionally various indicators will appear in the lower right hand corner. Amongst these are MAIL and NU. What are they? A: Four possible symbols might pop up there in the lower right: NU: No Users. Event configured to not allow users, or is toggled off at the FD screen with ALT-Y, Human callers "NO". Also displayed when FD detects the semaphore file FDNOUSER.NOW in its SYSTEM or SEMAPHORE (commercial versions only) directory. UD: One or more nodes have been marked as undialable, since your system has called them, got a connect, but then failed when attempting to establish a mail session. When this has occured the number of "Resend retries" you've defined in FDSETUP, FD will set one check mark for this node. When the node has got three check marks, FD will not call this node again, until you've removed the check marks. Press ALT-V to review the list of undialable nodes, and edit the check marks. NE: No exit. The flag FDNOEXIT.NOW is present in the FD SYSTEM directory. When present FD will not exit (event if event is configured to exit) when mail arrives. MAIL: Unread mail for your system has arrived (if this is configured to be displayed in FDSETUP). --- Q: On my point system I always get an error "Unable to open INBOUND.HIS: File not found". What does this error mean and what can I do to prevent it? A: The message means that FD was looking for the file which records all inbound calls to your system. FD tries to reorganize the two activity files (INBOUND.HIS and OUTBOUND.HIS) on a daily basis, as defined in FDSETUP. If you haven't had any inbound calls yet (or if you don't ever have inbound calls) then obviously no file with inbound history exists. The message itself does cause any harm. Nevertheless, if you want to avoid the error message then create a zero byte INBOUND.HIS on your disk with the DOS command "ECHO > INBOUND.HIS" and FD will no longer report the error. --- Q: Since I have installed FrontDoor 2.01 the system doesn't seem to accept file/update requests anymore from certain system of which it previously did accept and honour them. A: Check your logfile whether you can find a report "remote refused pickup". One of the changes between FrontDoor 1.99c and 2.01 is that FrontDoor 2.01 will also honour this flag for file requests. That means that if the requesting node has setup his system in such a manner that it should not pick up traffic then your FD will honour that request and will not attempt to send anything to that system. --- Q: In the FrontDoor Technical Note on using HST Dual Standard modems (FDTN- 001) there is a mention that I should use "CONNECT 1200/" as the connect string for 1200 bps connects. Must I also include the slash in the other connect messages? A: No. The reason why you must include the slash for 1200 BPS connects is that there is also a possibility that your modem reports a "CONNECT 12000". If you don't include the slash on the 1200 BPS connect message then the CONNECT 12000 will be interpreted as a 1200 BPS connect and time calculations for transfers and file requests will be wrong. --- Q: The FrontDoor manual states that FrontDoor 2.01 supports the new connect messages for the new US Robotics high speed modems. However, when I review the connect messages in FDSETUP, I can not find the connect messages for the 7200, 12000 and 14400 BPS speeds. How do I configure FrontDoor for my modem? A: For compatibility reasons the connect messages for these three speeds have been hardcoded in the FrontDoor software. This means that FD will always recognize these connect messages and use the appropriate speed and time calculations for the session. However, they are not configurable and thus can not be changed. Note that if you wish to enable human callers at that speed then you must set the appropriate errorlevels in FDSETUP-> Mailer > Errorlevels. --- Q: If I poll my boss, 2:512/1 (for example), for mail, then FD logs a message "Unexpected password, XXXXXXXX, from 2:512/1011". What does this mean and is this a security bug in FrontDoor? I don't even have a password for 2:512/1011! A: That is exactly what the message means. It tells you that you have had a session with a system which presented an unexpected password for one or more AKAs. The password was unexpected because you haven't configured a session password for that particular AKA. The message is part of FD's security system. If the message is not important to you then you might want to consider to disable the (#) logentry in FDSETUP > Mailer > Loglevels. However, please read on to the next question. --- Q: One of my downlinks has 8 different AKAs on his system and it seems as if he changes them more often than his underwear. Must I really enter all his AKAs in the security manager? He only receives echomail for his primary address from me. Does it help if I just disable the "Present all AKAs.." option? A: It's not a matter of *YOUR SYSTEM* presenting all AKAs, but the other side. If you feel that some node has so many AKAs that you don't want to include all his passwords in your security manager then make sure that you route mail for his AKAs to ONE of his addresses. If you do that, you only need to password protect that particular address. Otherwise, you will either have to accept that mail for his AKAs is not password protected (and can thus be picked up by anyone who puts that address in his AKA list) or you will have to set passwords for his entire AKA list. --- Q: All the message that I or my BBS users write are displayed as having the 'Local' status when I read them in FM. Does this mean that FD will not send these messages? A: The 'Local' status of any message on your system simply means that the message apparently originates from your system. FD checks the 'Local' flag before honouring any special flags within the message, such as 'Direct' or 'Immediate'. If these message don't have the 'Local' bit set then FD will refuse to send these messages. This is part of FD's security systems and its goal is to prevent people from forcing your system to call to places at times where or when you don't want the calls to happen (e.g. for cost reasons). --- Q: FM doesn't generate a tearline anymore. I have configured my echomail folders with "Echo Info" enabled but FM still does put any text behind the three dashes (---) under each message. A: It is our belief that we should disturb the readers of echomail messages as little as possible with unnecessary and uncalled for advertisements. Therefor we support the thought that program information should be hidden for the user. If you press ALT-X when reading one of your messages you will see a notice "PID FM ". Thus, you are still able to see which software people have used to enter a message, but only when you want to see it. This is compliant with the desire of many people to clean up the echomail from unwanted commercials as much as possible. --- Q: I can't do anything in the Terminal. Not even leave it with ALT-Q. A: You have the key on. When it is active, the Terminal is in 'Raw mode', which transmits ALL keystrokes to the remote side. Just press , to turn it off, then you can use the Terminal as you're used to. /* end of file "fd-faq.001" */ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FD-FAQ.002 - December 27th, 1992 Frequently asked questions about FrontDoor, TosScan, and related utilities. Copyright 1991, 92 Advanced Engineering sarl; All rights reserved. Published by Advanced Engineering sarl with assistance from the users of FrontDoor, TosScan, and related utilities, as well as the FrontDoor Help nodes. This document may be freely distributed for noncommercial and informational purposes. This document may not, under any circumstance, be traded, sold, or otherwise used for commercial gain or purposes without the prior written consent of Advanced Engineering sarl. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- These questions and answers do not appear in any specific order. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FD=FrontDoor Mailer FM=FrontDoor Editor TS=TosScan --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: In FD version 2.02, and later, occasionally various indicators will appear in the lower right hand corner. Amongst these are MAIL and NU. What are they? A: Four possible symbols might pop up there in the lower right: NU: No Users. Event configured to not allow users, or is toggled off at the FD screen with ALT-Y, Human callers "NO". Also displayed when FD detects the semaphore file FDNOUSER.NOW in its SYSTEM or SEMAPHORE (commercial versions only) directory. UD: One or more nodes have been marked as undialable, since your system has called them, got a connect, but then failed when attempting to establish a mail session. When this has occured the number of "Resend retries" you've defined in FDSETUP, FD will set one check mark for this node. When the node has got three check marks, FD will not call this node again, until you've removed the check marks. Press ALT-V to review the list of undialable nodes, and edit the check marks. NE: No exit. The flag FDNOEXIT.NOW is present in the FD SYSTEM directory. When present FD will not exit (event if event is configured to exit) when mail arrives. MAIL: Unread mail for your system has arrived (if this is configured to be displayed in FDSETUP). --- Q: On my point system I always get an error "Unable to open INBOUND.HIS: File not found". What does this error mean and what can I do to prevent it? A: The message means that FD was looking for the file which records all inbound calls to your system. FD tries to reorganize the two activity files (INBOUND.HIS and OUTBOUND.HIS) on a daily basis, as defined in FDSETUP. If you haven't had any inbound calls yet (or if you don't ever have inbound calls) then obviously no file with inbound history exists. The message itself does cause any harm. Nevertheless, if you want to avoid the error message then create a zero byte INBOUND.HIS on your disk with the DOS command "ECHO > INBOUND.HIS" and FD will no longer report the error. --- Q: Since I have installed FrontDoor 2.02 the system doesn't seem to accept file/update requests anymore from certain system of which it previously did accept and honour them. A: Check your logfile whether you can find a report "remote refused pickup". One of the changes between FrontDoor 1.99c and 2.02 is that FrontDoor 2.02 will also honour this flag for file requests. That means that if the requesting node has setup his system in such a manner that it should not pick up traffic then your FD will honour that request and will not attempt to send anything to that system. --- Q: The FrontDoor manual states that FrontDoor 2.02 supports the new connect messages for the new US Robotics high speed modems. However, when I review the connect messages in FDSETUP, I can not find the connect messages for the 7200, 12000 and 14400 BPS speeds. How do I configure FrontDoor for my modem? A: For compatibility reasons the connect messages for these three speeds have been hardcoded in the FrontDoor software. This means that FD will always recognize these connect messages and use the appropriate speed and time calculations for the session. However, they are not configurable and thus can not be changed. Note that if you wish to enable human callers at that speed then you must set the appropriate errorlevels in FDSETUP-> Mailer > Errorlevels. --- Q: If I poll my boss, 2:512/1 (for example), for mail, then FD logs a message "Unexpected password, XXXXXXXX, from 2:512/1011". What does this mean and is this a security bug in FrontDoor? I don't even have a password for 2:512/1011! A: That is exactly what the message means. It tells you that you have had a session with a system which presented an unexpected password for one or more AKAs. The password was unexpected because you haven't configured a session password for that particular AKA. The message is part of FD's security system. If the message is not important to you then you might want to consider to disable the (#) logentry in FDSETUP > Mailer > Loglevels. However, please read on to the next question. --- Q: One of my downlinks has 8 different AKAs on his system and it seems as if he changes them more often than his underwear. Must I really enter all his AKAs in the security manager? He only receives echomail for his primary address from me. Does it help if I just disable the "Present all AKAs.." option? A: It's not a matter of *YOUR SYSTEM* presenting all AKAs, but the other side. If you feel that some node has so many AKAs that you don't want to include all his passwords in your security manager then make sure that you route mail for his AKAs to ONE of his addresses. If you do that, you only need to password protect that particular address. Otherwise, you will either have to accept that mail for his AKAs is not password protected (and can thus be picked up by anyone who puts that address in his AKA list) or you will have to set passwords for his entire AKA list. --- Q: All the message that I or my BBS users write are displayed as having the 'Local' status when I read them in FM. Does this mean that FD will not send these messages? A: The 'Local' status of any message on your system simply means that the message apparently originates from your system. FD checks the 'Local' flag before honouring any special flags within the message, such as 'Direct' or 'Immediate'. If these message don't have the 'Local' bit set then FD will refuse to send these messages. This is part of FD's security systems and its goal is to prevent people from forcing your system to call to places at times where or when you don't want the calls to happen (e.g. for cost reasons). --- Q: FM doesn't generate a tearline anymore. I have configured my echomail folders with "Echo Info" enabled but FM still does put any text behind the three dashes (---) under each message. A: It is our belief that we should disturb the readers of echomail messages as little as possible with unnecessary and uncalled for advertisements. Therefor we support the thought that program information should be hidden for the user. If you press ALT-X when reading one of your messages you will see a notice "PID FM ". Thus, you are still able to see which software people have used to enter a message, but only when you want to see it. This is compliant with the desire of many people to clean up the echomail from unwanted commercials as much as possible. --- Q: I can't do anything in the Terminal. Not even leave it with ALT-Q. A: You have the key on. When it is active, the Terminal is in 'Raw mode', which transmits ALL keystrokes to the remote side. Just press , to turn it off, then you can use the Terminal as you're used to. --- Q: In the FrontDoor Technical Note on using HST Dual Standard modems (FDTN- 001) there is a mention that I should use "CONNECT 1200/" as the connect string for 1200 bps connects. Must I also include the slash in the other connect messages? A: No. The reason why you must include the slash for 1200 BPS connects is that there is also a possibility that your modem reports a "CONNECT 12000". If you don't include the slash on the 1200 BPS connect message then the CONNECT 12000 will be interpreted as a 1200 BPS connect and time calculations for transfers and file requests will be wrong. --- Q: I tried setting CONNECT 1200/ and it does not work. Now I get no 1200 connections at all! I have a Rockwell chipset v.32bis modem. A: For modems that do not report /NONE for non-error correcting connects, as the USR-style modem command set reports, you must instead set it to CONNECT 1200|. This is true for the BT/Hayes command set (Hayes, PPI, Rockwell based), which appends /ARQ for error correcting connections and nothing at all for non-error correcting connections. It is also true for the Microcom compatible modems, which append /REL or nothing at all, and for DSI based modems, which append [space]EC/V42B or nothing at all. --- Q: I have FD and my FOSSIL locked at 38400, but the modem always says the caller is connecting at 38400, even when they are really at 2400! What is wrong?? I have a Rockwell chipset modem. A: The BT/Hayes command set modems (Hayes, PPI, Rockwell based) have the ability to return multiline response codes that are not supported by FrontDoor. They also default to simply returning the DTE, or speed between the modem and computer, the "locked" rate. With either of these set (W1 and W0, respectively), you will have problems. Instead, use W2 and S95=2, which will return the DCE (rate between modems) and append /ARQ to error correcting connections. --- Q: What is a good init string for my Rockwell chipset (or Hayes or PPI) modem? A: First, reset your modem to the factory default with AT&F. Now, issue AT&C1&D2W2S95=2 and hit enter. Then, save it to NRAM with AT&W [enter]. Your init string can now be ATZ| and will work fine. Other registers are fine tuning only, and may vary by make and model. --- A: I have just upgraded from FD2.00 to 2.10. All is going fine except one little setting I haven't got right yet, and that's the MODEM statement in FDNODE.CTL. Q: It hasn't so much "ceased to work" as "moved". Look under FDSETUP Manager->Modem and you will find it! --- Q: Can someone please tell me what to put in my route.fd file so that ANY netmail that is posted is sent to a certain address, unless the Immediate flag is present?! A: The top portion of ROUTE.FD, which is anything above the first SCHEDULE line, is your GLOBAL section, it applies to all events, unless over ridden within the particular SCHEDULE block. Use the routing verb: ROUTE-TO For example, if you wanted to route everything to 1:123/456, unless the IMM flag was set, you would use: ROUTE-TO 1:123/456 * --- Q: I notice that mail addressed to a system in another net will show up in FrontDoor's screen as packed for that system when it is crashmail. However, if I take off the crash bit and do not set the direct bit, it will appear in the main screen as going to 1:111/0. This is the same for any node except the hub we use. Is this normal or is it a problem? A: This is normal. FrontDoor, by default, host or hub routes "normal" mail, i.e., mail without the CRASH, DIRECT, or IMMediate flag set. You may conrol FD's default behavior within the conrol file, ROUTE.FD. --- Q: When I connect to someone during a poll, if the message to be sent has the flag for HOLD, they don't get it. In my route.fd: Schedule E * Unhold * Send-To * Poll 1:19/150 85:841/100 1:322/359 It'll connect to the node in this example, and recieve mail, but not send. What am I doing wrong? A: If the message is PHYSICALLY marked hold, the ROUTE.FD "unhold" verb will NOT change this. If you wish to control the message's "hold" status dynamically, you can do that in ROUTE.FD by a global Hold verb, with event-specific Unhold commands. --- Q: I recently tried to setup FD202 for Routed Mail, so I read the instructions on how to set the ROUTE.FD and got real confused. I've been using FD for almost 2 yrs but I recently got brave enough to try ROUTED mail. Can anyone Post his ROUTE.FD so that I can Look at it. Or if possible explain to me who the ROUTED mail options work. A: So that ALL your mail goes to the correct HUB or Boss Node, you put: ROUTE-TO 1:* 2:* 3:* 4:* 5:* 6: ^ ^ ^ | | | Tells FD | | what to do | | | | There person -+ | you get your | mail from's | address. | | The zone's prefix -----------+ that are in the networks you are currently in. This one is for FidoNet. --- Q: FD does not seem to go to your FAX program when you receive a FAX. Will this be added to the next version so it supports FAXs and goes to the FAX program when a FAX comes in like it does when it gets an incoming call at a certain baud rate? A: It is not a limitation of FrontDoor, as FrontDoor is being used to successfully receive FAX transmissions. The current limitations are the implementation of adaptive answering that the different manufacturers are using and a lack of suitable FAX software to support the modems. --- Q: My boss has two Aka's, each representing a different phoneline. I can poll either nodenumber to deliver and pickup the mail. I have tried using "Poll " in my ROUTE.FD to establish alternating polling between the two nodes but then FrontDoor insists on polling both lines instead of only one. Is there a method to use alternating polling without having to call the system more than once? A: You can setup a script file which alternatively polls each line whenever the other line is busy. To establish this, make the following changes: In your ROUTE.FD insert the line "SCRIPT BOSS ". (Use the primary address which you will use in your "poll" command in the ROUTE.FD) Then use a texteditor to create a file called BOSS.SCR in the FrontDoor system directory: ; ; Sample Script to call Boss on more than one phonenumber ; (courtesy Jan Orsel) ; retrycount 20 ; exit script after more than 20 retries. timerset 60 ; set timeout to 60 seconds :node1 wait 2 dial 88119 ; phonenumber for node 1 case CONNECT : session BUSY :>node2 "NO CARRIER" :>node2 @DEFAULT : fail endcase :node2 wait 2 dial 87707 ; phonenumber for node 2 case CONNECT : session BUSY :>node1 "NO CARRIER" :>node1 @DEFAULT : fail endcase --- Q: Can anybody out there give me any tips/suggestions/help on setting up a USR 16800 with FroDo 2.02? I'm expecting the modem any day now, and may need help setting it up. A: Here's a set up..... works perfectly and even passes a 16,800 connect to Remote Access......... ati4 USRobotics Courier 16800 HST Dual Standard Fax Settings... B0 C1 E1 F1 M1 Q0 V1 X6 BAUD=38400 PARITY=N WORDLEN=8 DIAL=HUNT ON HOOK TIMER &A3 &B1 &C1 &D2 &G0 &H1 &I0 &K3 &L0 &M4 &N0 &P0 &R2 &S0 &T5 &X0 &Y1 %R0 S00=000 S01=000 S02=043 S03=013 S04=010 S05=008 S06=002 S07=060 S08=002 S09=006 S10=007 S11=050 S12=050 S13=000 S14=000 S15=000 S16=000 S17=000 S18=000 S19=000 S20=000 S21=010 S22=017 S23=019 S24=150 S25=005 S26=001 S27=000 S28=008 S29=020 S30=000 S31=000 S32=001 S33=000 S34=000 S35=000 S36=000 S37=000 S38=000 S39=000 S40=000 S41=000 S42=126 S43=200 S44=015 LAST DIALED #: OK ati5 USRobotics Courier 16800 HST Dual Standard Fax NVRAM Settings... DIAL=TONE B0 F1 M1 X6 BAUD=19200 PARITY=N WORDLEN=8 &A3 &B1 &G0 &H1 &I0 &K3 &L0 &M4 &N0 &P0 &R2 &S0 &T5 &X0 &Y1 %R0 S02=043 S03=013 S04=010 S05=008 S06=002 S07=060 S08=002 S09=006 S10=007 S11=050 S12=050 S13=000 S15=000 S19=000 S21=010 S22=017 S23=019 S24=150 S25=005 S26=001 S27=000 S28=008 S29=020 S32=001 S33=000 S34=000 S35=000 S36=000 S37=000 S38=000 S41=000 S42=126 S43=200 S44=015 STORED PHONE #0: #1: #2: #3: C: Frontdoor set-ups needed................. ��������������������� Messages � � 300 CONNECT| � � 1200 CONNECT 1200/ � � 1275 CONNECT 1275 � � 2400 CONNECT 2400 � � 4800 CONNECT 4800 � � 7200 CONNECT 7200 � � 9600 CONNECT 9600 � � 19200 CONNECT 16800 � � 38400 CONNECT 38400 � � Error ERROR � � Busy BUSY � � No Carrier NO CARRIER � � Ok OK � � Ring RING| � � No Dialtone NO DIAL � � No Answer NO ANSWER � � Voice VOICE � ������������������������������; ������������������������������������������ Command strings � � � � Escape code +++ � � Return on-line ~ATO| � � Onhook ATH0| � � Offhook ~ATH1| � � Dial ATDT � � ��Prefix � � ��Suffix | � � Delay 7 � � Init-1 ATS0=0B0M0V1E0Q0X4S7=55| � � Init-2 � � Init-3 � � Down AT| � � Reset AT| � � � ����������������������������������������������������������; A EXEBBS.BAT to pass a 16,800 connect for corect file transfer times.... IF %1==19200 GOTO HST IF NOT %1==19200 GOTO BBS :BBS CD\RA RA -B%1%4 -C%2 -T%3 IF ERRORLEVEL 5 GOTO DONE IF ERRORLEVEL 4 GOTO DONE IF ERRORLEVEL 3 GOTO DONE IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO RAERROR IF ERRORLEVEL 0 GOTO DONE :HST CD\RA RA -B16800%4 -C%2 -T%3 IF ERRORLEVEL 5 GOTO DONE IF ERRORLEVEL 4 GOTO DONE IF ERRORLEVEL 3 GOTO DONE IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO RAERROR IF ERRORLEVEL 0 GOTO DONE :DONE REMOTLOG CD\FD RUN :RAERROR ECHO:.[5;33m Remote Access had an error.... ECHO: --- Q: When I move the selection bar in the message survey function, it behaves like I've pressed to toggle the select status, what am I doing wrong? A: Your key is enabled. This enables the Continuous Tagging function which is described in the manual". --- /* end of file "fd-faq.002" */