< A Survey


I like this kind of thing!

What is your favorite hobby?

Currently, programming / messing around with my computer. It used to be mostly messing around, but I've gotten pretty serious with C lately.

How did you get into Gemini & the pub?

I found the link to the Midnight in an obscure imageboard. I've been aware about Gemini for around a couple of years or so (I think), but I've never really gotten to use it. I use the HTTP interface to the Pub still! That will eventually change, I hope.

What do you think is the most important question someone can ask themselves?

What is "me"? (That's the question)

Name 3 things people do that are pet peeves to you.

Too many... which is a sign that it's my problem, and not other people's.

What is your best life advice?

What others (implicitly) expect from you is on them, not on you.

What is the zaniest dream you've ever had?

I had to hunt some kind of monster in a tobacco field, and every time I saw feet with pink sandals behind a plant it attacked me, gripping me by the neck.

If the pub had a theme song or background music, what would it be?

"Duvet" by Boa, possibly the Dua Lipa remix.

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