[2022-04-29T01:03:29Z] rohan: it works for me [2022-04-29T02:56:19Z] how i can use it with mpv? [2022-04-29T03:05:16Z] rohan: wayclip? [2022-04-29T03:05:27Z] yeah [2022-04-29T03:05:30Z] in bemenu [2022-04-29T03:05:46Z] i tried mpv $(waypaste) [2022-04-29T03:05:52Z] not worked [2022-04-29T03:06:47Z] when you run waypaste by itself does it paste the link? [2022-04-29T08:11:30Z] Hi [2022-04-29T14:10:47Z] dilyn: https://tmp.bvnf.space/0001-neomutt-bump-to-20220429.patch [2022-04-29T14:17:00Z] phoebos: nice website u got there [2022-04-29T14:29:07Z] thank you [2022-04-29T16:42:06Z] yo! im trying to rebuild all the packages i currently have with cd/var/kiss/installed && kiss build * but it spits out an error : zlib Failed to download https://zlib.net/zlib-1.2.11.tar.gz [2022-04-29T16:50:53Z] yeah, you'll run into more of those as kiss official repo ages and dylan doesn't update them. you can switch over to using the ones here if you want: https://github.com/kiss-community/repo [2022-04-29T16:52:42Z] zlib 1.2.11 has a security vulnerability, so they presumably dropped it from the site [2022-04-29T16:55:17Z] zlib specifically is annoying, when there's a new release they remove the previous version link at (https://zlib.net/zlib-1.2.11.tar.gz) and create a new link to the "new release" (https://zlib.net/zlib-1.2.12.tar.gz) [2022-04-29T16:55:44Z] the older releases continue to be under https://zlib.net/fossils/ so changing the sources URL to point there would prevent this issue from happening [2022-04-29T16:57:00Z] ah. will do