
Since most people tend to put their ideology behind layers upon layers of claiming that it's not an ideology/political position, I thought I'd do the opposite and put some of my ideology out here on the internet without any bullshit in between my ideas and any potential readers. Yes, this has the chance to put me on certain blacklists that mean that I won't be allowed to fully express what I believe in on mainstream platforms. But if you take around three seconds to look at the contents of this digital enclave, you will figure out that that is not something I care about particularly deeply. In fact, part of me wanting to get this out of the door is to differentiate myself from those same platforms as I feel alienated from those platforms in the first place.

A few years ago, I came to the realisation that big tech spies into our lives wherever it can in order to wring more profits out of it's users. My response was to promptly take my privacy more seriously. I mostly stopped using mainstream services, like Google Maps, Gmail and WhatsApp; and moved over to open source alternatives (OpenStreetMaps, F-Droid, Signal). I had never used more well known social media platforms like Twitter, FaceBook and Instragram; Snapchat being something of which I never understood why it existed in the first place as perfectly fine messaging platforms that don't publicly share your GPS data with the rest of the world by default already exist. Like (I assume) with many people, I already saw subconsciously that the incentive to keep track of entire populations comes back to the fairly simple point of profit years before the realisation really hit. Forward a few more months and I've started to see the core of the problems more directly; capitalism itself. Capitalism the way it is these days, is in service of the top 1% with practically no trickle down economy to speak of. Instead it all trickles up to that 1% who really don't need it to live. I wonder how long it will take before the world as we know it collapses due to the actions of that 1% in favour of no one.

Part of me wants to try to build a better world, part of me wants to simply see this world burn. To that end, I think I might be born in the right era considering climate change and the amount of political unrest. The position I ultimately come to is to not care about most people on this planet as that is simply too emotionally exhausting and instead focus on _really_ helping those in need close to me.

On a large scale, I think that is what an ideal society would look like; decentralised small groups of people only working between groups if strictly necessary. After all, this absurdly overarching centralisation of power we call a government can barely justify it's own existence the way it is.

Though that doesn't discredit the idea that a properly working government is completely idealistic in my view. I do think it could be possible in some inconceivable way in the current state of the world. It's just that I don't think it can happen before a collapse and rebuild that wipes most of us out.

Something I am not in favour of.

I like the idea of having small groups of people choosing to work together before total societal collapse a lot more then first having most of us die at the hands of the capitalist monstrosity that controls us.

This document is not done and can be considered a living document.
