all content under CC-BY-NC-4.0 unless otherwise noted
Strongly inspired by ntypu's flightlog
There is no Nickel Ore in FTB Cotton, and it isn't apparent at first how to get it.
You can't get Nickel dust directly, instead you have to do a side–step by crafting an item called "Small Pile of Nickel Dust".
To craft this item, you first need to build an Industrial Centrifuge:
R - Refined Iron Ingot A - Advanced Circuit E - Extractor M - Advanced Machine Frame RAR MEM RAR
You hook it up to your energy net (Energy Tier: Low, so same Energy Tier as the Advanced Solar Panel), and put one of these items in:
The process will take somewhere between 75 and 150 seconds (between 1 and 3 minutes) and will return a Small Pile of something or an Iridium Nugget (depending on what you put in), and a Small Pile of Nickel Dust.
You can craft 4 Small Piles of Nickel Dust together to one Nickel Dust.
For the Industrial Blast Furnace, used to craft Steel, you need 8 ingots of Nickel, which means 32 Small Piles of Nickel Dust, and 64 Piles of, for example, Iron Dust (Throw 32 Iron Ore through the Grinder).
When you are met with a hard to decide question, you toss a coin.
But sometimes, decisions are harder to make.
Like when I decided which Linux distribution to install, all had their pros and cons, and deep inside I knew that it wouldn't matter which one I chode, but I didn't want to realise that.
So I tossed a coin, and found myself unsatisfied with the result.
This was the moment I realised, I had already made the decision, I just had to go with what I wanted to happen.
“For you”, a gift is given to me. It is an advent calendar. Socks. Pretty ordinary. Wait, no. That’s not regular socks. It’s Men Socks.
A shiver goes down my back as I read this word. Sure, I couldn’t blame anyone for this gift. I am not really the epitome of androgyny. But are male and female feet really different enough to gender them in a wacky Christmas tradition?
I go down to my room, take a marker, and cross out the “Men” on all four sides. I suppose it was really important that this was for men and men only. Well, not anymore. A certain sense of accomplishment was palpable as I looked at this new gender-inclusive advent calendar I had created. Even if it has no public effect, surely this still sets a sign, for myself at least.
A few weeks later, I go to the retail store looking for shampoo. My eyes instinctively lock on the pink bottles with pretty women on them. Envy, envy, envy. I buy it, as if this would get me any closer to my goals.
Did I realise the irony? No, of course I didn’t. I was played by Gender, I was completely oblivious to what was happening.
I have now writen my blog to work on html provisorically.
It will probably break deeply and need good fixing in the future, but at least it somewhat works now.
Go check it out if you want, or don't. Maybe better don't.
So stand ich dann vor den Pforten des Himmels.
Die Schmerzen, die mich in den letzten Momenten meines Lebens plagten, waren [wie] verschwunden, und ich blickte in das schönste Licht, das ich je hätte sehen kõnnen. Mir war direkt dir Perfektion dieses Ortes bewusst.
Scheiße, dachte ich in mich hinein, ich lag wohl falsch. Ich hatte angenommen, nach dem Tod wäre ein endloses Nichts, kein Gott, kein Leben nach dem Tod, einfah Nichts. Für immer.
Ein wenig hatte mir diese Vorstellung Angst gemacht, weswegen ich nicht oft darüber nachdachte. Stattdessen fokussierte ich mich darauf, mein Leben zu genießen. Menschen sind wohl einfach nicht dafür gemacht, über Unendlichkeit nachzudenken.
Das Tor öffnete sich, und ich spürte eine Präsenz neben mir, sobald ich eintrat. Darunter konnte ich mir nichts konkretes vorstellen, aber ein gutes Gefühl machte sich breit.
Die ersten paar Wochen gefielen mir, doch mit der Zeit machte sich ein Gefühl der Leere breit. Ein Gefühl, das ich früher immer hatte, wenn ich über das ewige Nichts nach dem Tod nachdachte. Stark abgeschwächt, aber immer noch da.
Ich brauchte noch einige Monate, um dieses Gefühl erklären zu können. Durch den Überfluss fehlte mir das Leben.
Alle schönsten Momente waren nun final. Nie würde ich sie wiedererleben. Schmerz war bloß eine verschwommene Erinnerung.
Der Himmel war schlimmer als das ewige Nichts. Denn hier lebe ich noch.