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Laika.LK Logbook

2020-12-27 - Like-a-Laika

I had some trouble updating this logbook, as I tried to conciliate other activities and this new hobby.

This has been a tough year. We moved out to another city in another state, while having another baby born this november; this pandemia frenzy was only the topping of our frantic twenty-twenty.

Expectations on Gemini

Reply-to ew0k:

Making Geminispace Social?

After having the server set up, I started lurking the mailing list. For now, I don't feel like I have anything at all to add to the topics. This is nice, though, that people are really caring for the protocol's development.

One thing I guess will boost the use of Gemini is making capsules more interactive with one another. ew0k has nailed it by presenting his idea of this reply script.

Inspired by makeworld's Gemlike project, for example, I wrote a simple code in shell script to register likes and also show how many likes a page got. My expectation was to have some feedback on my content.

I run this server on a cheap low-specs VPS, hence my choice on shell script; no need to install additional packages. (Also because I lack the mojo with more elaborate programming languages.) The initial idea was to also feature comments and something like an ASCII/UTF-art imageboard. Maybe in the future~~

My efforts are still baby steps, but the main point is that every effort towards a more social Gemini will help the protocol prosper. As for today, I would like to implement this reply script in Laika.LK.
