
Authors: Kévin

Date: 2022 04 24

  ____  __ __                        
 / __ \/ // /                        
/ /_/ / _  /                         
\____/_//_(_)__          __          
  /  |/  / ___/__  ___  / /  ___ ____
 / /|_/ / (_ / _ \/ _ \/ _ \/ -_) __/
/_/  /_/\___/\___/ .__/_//_/\__/_/   

There is a gopher server, you may find it at oh.mg on port 70 using your favourite Gopher client.

If you don’t have a Gopher client, no sweat Chet, use :

Floodgap’s Gopher Proxy

Want to setup your own Gopher server, check out the guide from :
