Anonymous · 8mo · No.2
♊︎ch feedback master post for suggestions & bug reports
Anonymous · 8mo · No.3
♊︎ch cofounder here. we're starting with just a couple of boards to gauge interest. Let us know if there are other boards you'd like to see in the future
Anonymous · 8mo · No.4
I've been corrected: ♊︎ch intern here.
Anonymous · 8mo · No.59
I would love to have a way to subscribe (as described in [0]) to selection of boards. For example, quering /sub?boards=foo,prog,anime could return a page with new messages on foo, prog and anime boards
[0]: gemini://
Anonymous · 8mo · No.70
@59 that was a cool suggestion, thanks
the spec they describe is relatively loose but i wanted to adhere to it as closely as possible which meant not having timestamps in the dates though if that ends up being a problem then i can change it to have the time in there anyways. otherwise it truncates the comments and caps the posts out at 50. let me know if this works for you!
a link for example:
Anonymous · 8mo · No.72
@70 this is exactly what I meant! You shipped it so quickly, thanks
Anonymous · 7mo · No.77
@72 glad to help, let me know if you have more ideas
i've been thinking about adding a way to sign posts. something like a tripcode but by just providing a cert you can have `Post a reply` alongside `Post a signed reply` and it would add some sort of hash or replace the `Anonymous`. maybe useful for OPs to verify they're the OP? thoughts?
Anonymous · 7mo · No.79
@77 I would definitely use that :) It would be useful for everyone - I want to be sure that you know that I am the same guy who wrote @59 and @72
Anonymous · 7mo · No.80
Oh, maybe you should make the part of message that has Anonymous, time and No into a small header. It would be easier to distinguish different messages in a thread
Anonymous · 7mo · No.84
@80 I wonder if header, or link that auto-inserts the @ID reply?
Anonymous · 7mo · No.87
@84, hmm, how would you make it obvious to user? AFK, there is no way to send "initial text" along with 10 code to client side
sk!_gaAry-2 · 7mo · No.91
@79 so here is the first signed message, if you choose on your client to use a cert it should have two links at the bottom you can use. i should maybe show what signature you would be posting with... i'll put that in later. it replaces the `Anonymous` in the post title line so should be easy to keep track of
sk!_gaAry-2 · 7mo · No.93
also the signature is randomly generated based on your client cert and a salt so apparently my name is gaAry now
andrew!z8MmXsU4 · 7mo · No.94
okay, here it goes
andrew!z8MmXsU4 · 7mo · No.95
Well, I can't read that 😛 This is good enough, thank you. But... you may like to experiment, I don't know? You could try generating "name" from syllables, like some password generators do
I feel bad for suggesting to many things, better work less and not burn out :)
sk!_gaAry-2 · 7mo · No.96
what if the hashed signature were consistent, but an option to have a "name" that can precede the !. so you can change your name however much you want and there can even be collisions with others if they also want to be named gary, but the signature suffix is consistent so "gary!_gaAry-2" and "gary!z8MmXsU4" are able to still be differentiated
Anonymous · 7mo · No.99
@96 this is how it's done on most imageboards these days so I like that
sk!_gaAry-2 · 7mo · No.101
alright! names can precede the hashes now. if you're using a cert, there's a link to change it at the bottom of the index page for now
sk!_gaAry-2 · 7mo · No.135
i tried actually subscribing to the feed page i put up and saw it was borked because individual posts could link to the same thread with the same url and would not show for each item. they all now link to absolute paths for each one so feeds should update properly. i also put in a new param to the recents page so you can subscribe to all the boards at once instead of each of every one gemini://
Anonymous · 7mo · No.244
@2 What settings are you using for dithering and compression on /img? I like the effect and am considering using it on my own gemsite.
sk!_gaAry-2 · 7mo · No.245
@244 i'm using to handle it all for me. i did try out using a png optimizer after the dithering step but it didn't do much better than what imagemagick already produces so i decided against having one more dependency. the exact command i use is
convert $INPUT -resize '512x512>' -ordered-dither o2x2,3 $OUTPUT
Anonymous · 7mo · No.246
@245 Thanks!
andrew!z8MmXsU4 · 7mo · No.477
Update on previous feature request: maybe add `exclude` key to `/recent` endpoint? So one can exclude specific threads from subscription
sk!_gaAry-2 · 7mo · No.478
yeah for real. i just added muting threads. people can still post in them but they'll be confined to the threads themselves and won't bump recent posts or the feed. i went ahead and muted the obvious thread in question.
andrew!z8MmXsU4 · 7mo · No.480
Thank you <3
Anonymous · 7mo · No.482
Testing certificate posting. very cool.
Anonymous · 7mo · No.483
Anonymous · 7mo · No.484
Hello world!
Anonymous · 7mo · No.485
We should all eat more apples.
sk!_gaAry-2 · 7mo · No.486
hey @482 fixed a bug that prevented your cert hash from showing up. found it thanks to your test, so thanks!
Anonymous · 7mo · No.487
Cool. Very.
Anonymous · 6mo · No.563
Cool idea
Anonymous · 5mo · No.572
I'm genuinely surprised this is possible. Yaaay for shitposting without all the bloat from the web.
sk!45bJnc3j · 4mo · No.772
i renewed the certs like last month but just forgot to reboot. should be fine now
Anonymous · 4mo · No.773
>>772 Senpai.
sk!45bJnc3j · 4mo · No.774
>@$773 that's me
Anonymous · 4mo · No.775
>>774 I didnt even know this board had a janny, tbh, lol
sk!45bJnc3j · 4mo · No.776
someone's gotta remove the slurs and keep the alt-righters out
Anonymous · 4mo · No.777
>>776 Basee
Anonymous · 3mo · No.866
threads could use titles
sk!3HsRFwOQ · 3mo · No.867
i opted for threads to be posts themselves that are replied to, instead of having two separate inputs when creating a thread. just seemed simpler
Anonymous · 3mo · No.868
I really like your way of compressing images. Could you help me do the same for my gemlog?
Anonymous · 3mo · No.870
It would be great if URLs were automatically made into gemtext links somehow? E.g replace the url with a number [1] and then put links as footnotes or something. Its a huge pain having to copy paste on mobile.
Anonymous · 3mo · No.871
i believe that's already the case you can paste links like this gemini:// inline and then they show up at the bottom of posts. works with non-gemini links as well
sk!3HsRFwOQ · 3mo · No.872
@868 i'm using to do the dithering for me, you can see the command being used in the source here gemini://
sk!3HsRFwOQ · 2mo · No.873
@870 i just now realized that maybe you are only looking at posts on the front page. the links for posts only show up under the posts on the threads pages so as to keep the front page slim
Anonymous · 2mo · No.874
hi! just wanted to ask if you could add (small) separators between posts; it's a bit of a pain to differentiate them ><
also glad to see this forum is not already full of /pol/-tier shitpost and slurs ahah
Anonymous · 2mo · No.875
>>847 We commies here.
Anonymous · 2mo · No.923
No, IIch is NAZBOL
sk!45bJnc3j · 2mo · No.926
it's so exhausting how many libertarians and nazbols there are on gemini. i really didn't want iich to be just another cesspool but here we are. there are other plenty of other places on geminispace for this shit
Anonymous · 2mo · No.927
>>926 I mean it's a textboard what do you expect.
Anonymous · 2mo · No.929
there are a lot of loud-ass liberals here too
Anonymous · 1mo · No.931
>>926 How many other anonymous textboards are there on Gemini? This is the only other one I know about.
Anonymous · 1mo · No.932
>>931 s/other one/one/
sk!45bJnc3j · 1mo · No.961
i naively assumed there wasn't such an overlap of those interested in a small internet hobby protocol and those interested in having the least amount of compassion for other humans as possible
Anonymous · 1mo · No.962
sk in all seriousness what were you honestly expecting when you created an anonymous board? It seems like you have unrealistic expectations which leads to antagonizing the few people who actually use your site. This is the nature of anon boards. theres going to raunchy language, horrible opinions, and terrible people. Stop trying to police the few people actually contributing to it just because you dont like what they say or talk about. Whats the proverb again, something about not being able to have your cake and eat it too?
Anonymous · 1mo · No.964
they didn't even delete the posts they complained about, I wouldn't call this "police"
bad contribution is bad contribution
Anonymous · 1mo · No.965
sk ignoring >>874 is making me real sad tho (╥﹏╥)
sk!45bJnc3j · 1mo · No.968
i just expected something a bit more chill. keeping iich up makes me feel at fault for giving its content a platform. some of what's been on the front page makes me feel embarrassed, so i just omit it from that list since i'd rather not actually delete anything
>>874 >>965
around the time of 874 i had just had a quick dialog on station about the layout choices and probably felt pretty defensive about changing anything. i thought the '\n Anonymous - Xh - No. X' would suffice as a separator between posts, but what were you thinking you'd want? maybe an mdash or something between posts?
Anonymous · 1mo · No.969
i see, actual "separators" are sufficient on some threads, but like some dashes would be cool imo
your post is also a good example, at first i thought it was two different posts
it's not really a big deal but i think it can make the threads easier to read
also since this is the suggestions thread, an anon mentioned greentexts in an old thread, why not remove the formatting disable character?
indicating the board next to the username on the front page would be nice too
sk!45bJnc3j · 1mo · No.970
mdashes now punctuate posts, and board next to name is in now, thanks for those suggestions. allowing blockquote is in now also, but it makes a lot currently look rather terrible in lagrange... let’s see how it feels
Anonymous · 1mo · No.971
thanks! the dashes work pretty well i think
for the quotes, maybe disabling them when encoutering ">>[integer]" would fix the formatting?
there's the other option, using ansi escape codes to make real greentexts, it should work pretty much everywhere since lagrange is the only GUI client afaik
sk!45bJnc3j · 1mo · No.972
ansi coloring is a great idea, i much prefer this to the blockquote formatting. lagrange supports terminal escape sequences now apparently so it doubly works out
sk!45bJnc3j · 1mo · No.973
>>972 quotes are colored and of course
>greentext is too
Anonymous · 1mo · No.974
>>>973 color is really cool implementation! Nice :)
>be me
>check in on IICH
>theres green now
Anonymous · 1mo · No.975
>yay, it works!
I wonder if board coloring also works >>>/prog/
Anonymous · 1mo · No.976
oh, that's a shame :(
why not also color the posts info? like in blue or something
Anonymous · 1mo · No.977
I'm getting that this wont display text correctly because of ANSI styling in lagrange, anyone else?
Anonymous · 1mo · No.978
lagrange puts this warning since it doesn't fully support every ansi escape codes, but with simple text coloring it should be working
Anonymous · 1mo · No.979
have to say it looks bad on clients that do not support ansi styling and show garbled text and numbers
Anonymous · 1mo · No.982
which clients?
maybe the gemini spec should forbid ansi escape codes since it complexifies parsing, and breaks the "no styling" rule (that would be a shame for iich, though)
sk!3HsRFwOQ · 1mo · No.984
>>976 looks like maybe teal is the only practical color left (checking on light and dark lagrange schemes), we could try that out
>>979 >>982 yeah it's inevitable it would break on some clients. i wonder if it should be opt-in, tied to a cert
sk!45bJnc3j · 1mo · No.985
there are more colors but these are the reliable eight
color color color color color color color color
Anonymous · 1mo · No.986
Astrobotany has opt-in ANSI colors. Seems like a good way to do it.
sk!45bJnc3j · 1mo · No.988
colors are now opt in from a very tiny settings link at the bottom of the front page. needs cert