# nick = reset.reboot # url = https://gemini.astropirados.space/twtxt.txt # avatar = https://vertex.astropirados.space/images/avatar.png # # If you use Gemini, you can find me here too # url = gemini://gemini.astropirados.space/twtxt.txt 2022-01-20T09:42:30+01:00 Testing, probando, hola? hello? Is this thing on? Funciona esto? 2022-01-20T17:38:04+01:00 I some people have metadata in their twtxt file, how does that work? Is that added by hand? 2022-01-25T20:29:26+01:00 So finally I found how the metadata works. It's all by hand, so it's alright.