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The Seed of Sorrow

Donald P. Goodman III

Version 1.0 (22 April 1201)

Just as we see the growth from tiny seed

which falling to the ground, must fight to die;

against the tyrant wind, it there must lie,

in fear that bird or beast it soon will feed,

or that it's overshadow'd by some weed;

and so against the world it's doom'd to vie,

until, at length, it offers up a sigh,

and giving up the ghost, it dies indeed;

so we must sorrow, though too often we

wish only growth and flourishing to seek;

but ere we can be strong, we must be weak;

we must be broken ere we heal'd can be.

For death alone can make the seed to grow;

so sorrow only can make joy to flow.


© Goretti Publications 1206 (2022).

All material in this Gemini capsule is offered under the CC-BY-SA license, unless otherwise noted.

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