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Advent 1203

Donald P. Goodman III

Version 1.0 (04 Dec 1203)

As the sun subsides in the south, and cold

creeps to the cusp of the country of the living,

and leaves do lazily lower to the ground

from branches which bow and which bend and which break

in the winds which whine and then wail in their strength,

and the sky goes gray and the gleam of the stars

is now crisp and cold in the coming night,

as the days lessen and the dark lengthens,

and death rules the day and the darkening night;

on a sudden the sun takes his road in the sky,

and the night starts to lessen as now the bright light

purges the darkness and paints the panoply

with bright colors and brilliant beams

which grow and glimmer through the greening earth

till the end of days, and the opening doors.



© Goretti Publications 1206 (2022).

All material in this Gemini capsule is offered under the CC-BY-SA license, unless otherwise noted.

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