To grab: A Scanner Darkly - Phillip K. Dick A Boy and His Dog - Harlan Ellison Neuromaner - William Gibson Recelation Space - Alastair Reynolds Cryptonomicon - Neal Stephenson Snow Crash - Neal Stephenson Children of Time - Adrian Tchaikovsky Children of Ruin - Adrian Tchaikovsky I have: I, Robot - Isaac Asimov Metro 2033 - Dmitry Glukhovsky Sleeping Giants - Sylvain Neuvel World War Z - Max Brooks Bicentennial Man - Isaac Asimov Foundation - Isaac Asimov Childhood's End - Arthur C. Clarke I've read: 1984 - George Orwell Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep - Phillip K. Dick (started 2021-04-05, fininshed 2021-04-11)