Excerpts from the Precalculus Syllabus
Connections to other courses
- Strengthened algebraic manipulation emerges by proving identities and simplifying transcendental expressions. This fluency will remove one of the major obstacles to success in calculus.
- Deepened mathematical appreciation follows from revisiting the same result in different settings, e.g. proving the addition formulas for sine and cosine by using a coordinate transformation, or by multiplying two exponential functions of imaginary arguments and interpreting the result in both polar and rectangular coordinates.
- Expanded mathematical vocabulary will allow succinct discourse about periodic phenomena (with circular functions) and theorems in Euclidean geometry (with vectors).
Course outline
Changes to a course always stem from the desire to improve student learning. Sometimes my students give feedback directly, and other times I use assessment data to determine what isn't working. I planned out my first precalculus course for a private high school in D.C. using as a template the sequencing my own high school teachers followed. That semester, the early introduction of vectors and dot product suffered more from my inexperience in the classroom than from any mismatch between the learning outcomes and the students' background. In subsequent semesters I stuck with the textbook sequencing more rigidly, with student outcomes much better but possibly more fragmented than in the capstone course I imagined myself teaching. By the spring of 2014 I had worked with enough college algebra students to attract a quorum for that experimental precalculus course. That semester, variations on the themes of vectors and multidimensional thinking unfolded in the following unorthodox sequence:
- vectors in rectangular coordinates, dot product
- cross product, equations of lines and planes, law of cosines
- law of sines, area formula, solving triangles
- unit circle, radian measure, circular functions
- graphs of the circular functions, fundamental identities
- inverse circular functions, angle sum and difference formulas
- further identities, solving trigonometric equations
- sequences and series of numbers, sigma notation
- exponential functions, one-to-one functions and their inverses
- logarithmic functions
- exponential and logarithmic equations
- rational functions and graphs, dividing polynomials long-hand and synthetically
- finding polynomial roots, Rouche's theorem
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