An older person, dressed in clothes that might once have been fashionable, even elegant, but now sport frayed cuffs, holes, burns, and stains. Their lined face somehow reflects the same aesthetic as their clothing. They look like they've Seen Some Things. Perhaps even Dim Carcosa.
2022-03-26 Trials of being a nerd parent
2022-03-21 What can I say? I'm surviving.
2022-01-06 Re: Discussing about Gemini on Gemini
2021-06-11 The urge to publish regularly?
2021-06-06 An afternoon stop-in before dinner.
2021-05-17 Midnight in the Morning
2021-05-11 Carcosa, fading in and out of existence across the Lake of Hali
2021-05-06 "Why I Work on Ads"