Advocating for Gemini

So one thing that I'm planning to post pretty soon here, in my actual essays section of the site, is a long two-part piece first about why I think we should all be avoiding the centralized web and the second part is going to be about why I think gopher, gemini, and even things like the beaker browser are good alternatives with a particular emphasis on gemini---unsurprisingly---and then talking more about how to get *started* on gemini, how to get going with various browsers, and how I'd recommend dealing with hosting.

I really want to make sure I separate out the negative and positive aspects of recommending gemini because what I very much don't want is to make it sound like "the web sucks but here this sucks less" without arguing for the positive aspects of why tech like gemini is a legitimately good way to communicate and have an online presence.

I have other posts that I'm also writing but they're more broad cultural criticism, like the one I'm trying to write about the ways our current media encourages a kind of epistemic nihilism, inspire by Neil Postman.

So, yeah, that's what I'm doing as I'm reviving my capsule a bit more.