Ol’ Bob’s Bulk Yoghurt Recipe

Initially I started with 1 pack of "EasiYo"


and then made the next batches using a few tablespoons from the batch before, the same culture has now been going for several years.

You could probably start with any live-culture yoghurt from the store.

This is my process, I usually do 4 liters at a time, I use Ashgrove full cream milk.


You will need:



Next morning your yogurt will be ready! But warm.. blech.... put it in the fridge. Lasts around 2 weeks.

Problem solving:

For the "Warm Environment" I boil a large pot of water and put that in an esky (on some wood blocks) with the lid on. Seems perfect and is still quite warm in the morning.

I found in winter it can take a little longer to set, I leave it for around 8 hours in summer and 16 hours in winter. If it’s not set, leave it a bit longer.

I found the pot can be a total bastard to clean afterwards, but if you scrape it straight away (I use a plastic dough scraper) it saves heaps of work later.

Flavours? Sure, but add any flavours or sweeteners at the very end, you don’t want any ‘strange’ bacteria introduced during the culturing process.

High Protein? Add raw whey protein powder at the very end and stir through.

Smaller or larger amounts? Easy, 1 tablespoon of live culture yoghurt to each litre of milk is about right, the rest of the recipe is the same.

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Temp: 17.54 Humidity: 95.26