17 May 2021 - Ravens again

We cleaned out the fountain over the weekend, only to discover the ravens had left more food in it just a few days later. It seems like they're leaving the pits of some kind of stone fruit in the fountain. There were nine of these pits in the fountain after a being washed out only two days ago. The pits are very clean, too - there's no sign of any flesh remaining around it.

This has raised lots of questions in my mind:

I'll have to investigate further!

Edit: 18 May 2021

The pits are all gone except for one which was left on top of the fountain. The water is full of white strands of gunk and some horrible oily sheen on the surface. I'm guessing the pits have softened and the ravens have been eating the inside soft bits, and leaving a mess behind.

In any case, I'm happy to assist them in their search for food in this way, but not actually feeding them outright.