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Do you lose your shit when it comes to being TRANSRACIAL?

Recently some British-born Youtuber by the name of Oli London came out in a video as Korean, and loads of people totally lost their shit.

In this video, Oli London claims that he is Korean.

Now, if you are among those people who lose their shit over someone's race, then here's some bad news for you: YOU, are racist. Why? Because people who are not racist, like me, could never care less about another person's race! For us, whether you are British, or Korean, or British yesterday but Korean tomorrow, makes absolutely no difference.

To be more precise, for me, race is something that

(1) is randomly chosen at your birth which you have no control over, and

(2) should in no way affect your function in society.

In this sense, your race is just like your zodiac sign. If you do not believe in astrology, you shouldn't be caring about a person's zodiac sign. Do you lose your shit when someone born in July claims to be Piscean? Well, why should you? Just let them say whatever they want, as long as it makes them happy.

Before you bring up the "culture" or "language" arguments here, please let me remind you that these are not necessarily connected to race. Think of Anna Coppola from the anime "Strawberry Marshmallow". She is the daughter of a British couple, but she lives just like any other Japanese girl and can't even speak proper English. Do you think she is British or Japanese? Well, better leave it for her to decide herself.

The funniest thing about this whole transracial outcry is that, there seems to exist a considerable number of people that can accept transgenderism but not this. I have no idea how these people's brains are wired, or are they even wired at all. Clearly gender is a much more serious issue than race, because while it is something that you have no control over (gender satisfies criterium 1), it DOES affect your function in society. For example, men and women use different restrooms, and compete separately in sports (gender does not satifsy criterium 2). When some transgender person who is born male plays in women's sports, we run into no small problem. I am not saying that transgenderism is unacceptable because of this, but it certainly isn't something that could be considered more easily acceptable than being transracial.

I think London or whoever that invented the term "transracial" is pretty clever. If race does not matter, why should we all stick to the race that we are born with? Won't it be interesting to experience being different races? I certainly would like to do so. Perhaps I may as well come out as Finnish tomorrow... Just kidding.