It was Monday, May 18th, when I leaned about the Gemini protocol. I forget how
exactly I stumbled upon it, but it was a Monday... So I must have been bored
out of my mind.
Finding Gemini was pretty cool for me, since it was unlike anything I had seen
before. I was ***hooked!*** The spec was super easy for me to understand, and
I wanted more. First thing I did was research clients, and got onto the
Geminisphere. I found all sorts of cool sites, like:
After that, I found myself signing up to the mailing list. I got all sorts of
emails about people's projects and the sites they were creating! I couldn't
believe it, and it inspired me to make something of my own: my own space. A
quick read through the spec, finding a server to use, and drafting my first
site took around 1 hour. My first little page was created. It was a shocker at
how easy it was!
While I was also doing all of this, I stumbled upon the world of pubnixes.
These are public *nix servers that you can sign up for. I forget which I
stumbled upton first either:
It doesn't matter, because once I signed up, I
found myself with a bunch of like-minded, welcoming, *nix-loving users. The
Tildeverse IRC, is where I've been spending a lot of my time, and i've had some
pretty cool conversations. It was also in this server where I found #gemini,
which allowed me to connect with others also interested in Gemini!
All of these things combined togther allowed me to spend a good two weeks
finding some pretty cool things to do.
Another thing, I won't be leaving any time soon.