End of Week 15 Work

Date: April 15, 2022
Tags: Info War, Indispensibility

So we learned this week that "Winning the Info-War" means getting messages out before the enemy. And that's OK even if the enemy doesn't do what we said they would. Our fib is OK. People will believe the fib even when it was not true and never was going to be true. I guess that's the theory.

     I, for one, have trouble believing a lot of information sources. This is the pattern that justifies my disbelief. Years ago, it was the tiny retractions of front-page headlines. Now, they admit it openly. "Info-War" is just another name for propaganda, often targeting us.

Looks like we're losing any claim to indispensibility. Others are stepping in to take care of the sacred Responsibility To Protect (Syria, Ukraine). With at least as much justification as we've had in our RTP adventures. Interesting times.

End of Week 15 Work was published on 2022-04-15