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Personal finance with Beancount

Setting up a VPN with Wireguard

Remote backups with Borg and Rclone


Access the logs of a shared OVH server

Deploy a static website with FTP

Decrypt multiple drives at boot

Remotely unlock an encrypted system

Setting up a dynamic DNS with OVH

Arch Linux with full encryption


From cron tasks to systemd timers

Real-time log analytics with Matomo

Gemini and Hugo

Discovering the Gemini protocol

Dynamic wallpapers with Sway

Update notifications with libnotify

Arch Linux on Macbook Pro late 2013


Outlook emails analytics with Python

Send emails with msmtp

Overlay image in pure CSS

GPS data from photos with Python

Surveillance camera with Raspberry Pi

Installing Pi-hole with PiVPN

Raspbian Lite on Raspberry Pi

Emulate a browser with Selenium

Wildcard certificates with Let’s Encrypt


Use Tor with Python

Launch Chromium in kiosk mode


Setting up a Nginx server on macOS


PHP 5.2 on Debian 7 Wheezy

Making Jekyll multilingual

Getting a git server with Gitolite

SSH key-based authentication

Improving typography on Jekyll

Compressing Liquid generated code


Getting a web server with Nginx

Installing Arch Linux on Raspberry Pi

Using CSS to add line numbering

Using Github to serve Jekyll

Website delivery with Cloudfront

Static website with Jekyll

Spatial Data Analysis with R