ETF | Academic Gemini Capsule

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Assistant Professor

Chair for Philosophy and Political Theory

LMU Munich


Photo [unicode]

About Me

I am an assistant professor (Akademischer Rat auf Zeit) at the Chair for Philosophy and Political Theory, in the Faculty of Philosophy, at LMU Munich.

My research focuses on the political ethics of the oppressed and on the morality of violent and non-violent resistance. My broader interests include questions about normativity, authority, and political obligation.

I hold a Ph.D. in political theory from Harvard University, where I was a graduate fellow of the E. J. Safra Center for Ethics and an inaugural awardee of the Government Department's Sidney Verba Prize for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching. I also hold an M.Phil. in political theory from the University of Oxford and an A.B. in philosophy from Georgetown University.

Curriculum Vitae [txt]


Note: Due to SDF Gemini server file size limits, these papers are accessible in their complete form only via WWW and Gopher.

From self-defense to political violence (2021)

Do we have reasons to obey the law? (2020)

The small improvement argument, epistemicism, and incomparability (2018)

On discount rates in the cost-benefit analysis of climate change (2011)


Google Scholar Profile [www]

PhilPeople Profile [www]

This site in gopherspace

This site on the world wide web