all deerbard's logs

[ENG] All my logs aggregated in one place.

[PL] Wszystkie wpisy zebrane w jednym miejscu.

Please ping when replying non-directly / Proszę daj znać jeśli odpowiadasz niebezpośrednio:

email, xmpp


„Language has made us more than a group of pack hunting monkeys. It's made us a group of pack hunting monkeys with the dream” - Terence McKenna


2022-04-27 (general) [PL/ENG] oszukiwanie Boga - konfabulacja codzienna / cheating God - daily confabulation

2022-04-06 (art) [ENG/PL] Ursula K. Le Guin - The message of a story / Przesłanie historii

2022-03-09 (art) [ENG/PL] question / pytanie

2022-02-26 (general) [PL/ENG] pozytywna kreatywność? / positive creativeness?

2022-02-14 (general) [PL] feminatywy

2022-01-30 (poetry) [PL] ekspresja

2021-12-05 (general) [PL/ENG] Something beautiful

2021-12-05 (Re:) [ENG] Re: Christina's 5 questions - December 2021

2021-11-04 (art) [ENG-PL] meaning in art - appendix / sens w sztuce - dodatek

2021-11-03 (art) [ENG/PL] meaning in art / sens w sztuce

2021-10-22 (poetry) [PL]

2021-10-15 (art) [PL/ENG] Być jak Tove Jansson / To be like Tove Jansson

2021-10-15 (poetry) [PL/ENG] Wyszedłem z siebie / Went out of myself

2021-10-02 (general) [PL/ENG] flow

2021-09-30 (general) [PL/ENG] upadli bogowie / fallen gods

2021-09-23 (general) [PL/ENG] autorytet uniwersalny / universal authority

2021-09-18 (general) [PL/ENG] wyczuwanie moralności - krótka medytacja / morality by gut feeling - short meditation

2021-09-17 (poetry) [ENG/PL] Splinter / Drzazga

2021-09-16 (Re:) [ENG] Why use Gemini?

2021-08-31 (general) [ENG/PL] Mindfulness, the relaxed mind issue / Uważność, problem zrelaksowanego umysłu

2021-08-30 (Re:) [ENG] an argument for comment systems in gemini

2021-08-30 (Re:) [ENG/PL] adjust your end to your means

2021-08-07 (general) [ENG/PL] MINDFULNESS - mindfulness discipline / UWAŻNOŚĆ - dyscyplina uważności

2021-08-02 (general) [PL/ENG] Raport z projektów - pomysł / Projects report - idea

2021-07-27 (general) [PL/ENG] Inne czasy aka nostalgia / Other times aka nostalgia

2021-07-24 (Re:) [ENG] Szczezuja's tinylog Thu 22 Jul 2021 about My Art Manifesto

2021-07-22 (ART) [PL/ENG] Mój mały manifest artystyczny / My little art manifesto

2021-07-21 (general) [ENG] We gather too many things.

2021-05-03 (general) [ENG] The journey begins...


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© deerbard