Testing some games today in order to sell more stuff on eBay. I have
a variety of PS1, PS2, PS3 and more games to sell, so I'm hoping to
make a good amount of money off of them.
In other news - I joined a Battletech board game group, or will be
joining them once I test them out. They all seem pretty nice and
the store where I can play it is pretty close. I would also like
to get the board game in a few.
Also in other news, I think that Triangle Strategy scratches my
Fire Emblem itch pretty well. I'm also going to start playing
X-Com(The new and old ones). I love strategy games alot :D .
Finally, I'm looking for a good distro for my laptop. I've
tried Slackware, OpenSuSE and now Mageia - but I want one
with rollback features, and Fedora recently implemented it
using BTRFS ala OpenSUSE, so I will most likely go with them.
The thing is, with my laptop, it's kinda old. Only 4G of RAM.
So it can't have anything that will take up too much RAM...
so.. yeah.
That's all for now!