Your Word ( דְבָרֶ֑ךָ )

Studies and devotional thoughts drawn from the original languages of Scripture

I am an aspiring student of the Biblical languages. Here, I seek to share insights drawn from the wealth of Scripture, gleaned from those studies. For now, posts will focus mainly on the Old Testament scriptures, as I am focused on learning Biblical Hebrew. May the Word of God today be a lamp to your feet, and a light on your path.


To make a comment, send an email to

christopher .AT. librehacker .DOT. com

with the subject "Gemini Comment" and a body with the following format:

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Displaying Hebrew in Gemini Clients

All Hebrew text in this gemlog should be UTF-8 encoded, which is supported by all Gemini clients according to the protocol standard. However, various clients do a better or worse job of displaying Hebrew, depending mainly on what font is being used, and the system used for displaying the font. Some fonts do not display the Hebrew characters at all, or sometimes the program will display them from left to right rather than the correct right to left.

If this proves to be an issue for you, one solution might be to choose a client which allows you to choose any font, and then install and select the Noto font system.

Google Noto Fonts

Hebrew Pronunciation

By popular request, I have been trying to include English transliterations of the Hebrew words, at least for single-word references. Regarding my method of transliteration, please see this page:

Biblical Hebrew Pronunciation


All the content of this "Your Word" gemlog are released under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs license (CC BY-NC-ND).

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2022-03-31 - Genesis 2:4-15: God's Original Plan for Mankind

2022-01-07 - Genesis 1:14-18: The Purpose of the Lights of Heaven

2021-12-04 - The Craftsman's Delight

2021-10-15 - Genesis 1:1: Heaven or Heavens?

2021-10-10 - To Create (ברא)

2021-09-29 - The Raven and the Dove

2021-09-09 - God Remembered Noah

2021-08-01 - Jacob Could Not Believe Them

2021-07-09 - Joseph Cannot Restrain Himself
