Welcome to the english section of my gemini capsule!
You'll mostly find tech and coding related stuff here.
Hier entlang zur deutschsprachigen Sektion.
I've been running a Teracube 2e for a few weeks now and i'm pretty pleased with it. The battery lasts for several days, something that most phones can't do nowadays. There are some small glitches on the software side, but nothing that is a show stopper.
Teracube 2e information @ /e/ shop
A few days ago i came across "Motorsport Manager", a PC Game released in 2016. I was curious and purchased the game and it's a bummer. I immediately felt like more than 20 years ago, when a pal and i played "Team F1" (called "Pole Position" in Germany) by Ascon (later called Ascoron before going bankrupt) a lot.
Motorsport Manager is pretty much Team F1 in a more modern shape. It even has the 2D view of the race simulation - you really don't need fancy 3d graphics to get the immersion of a race day.
Feeling like a teenager again... :)
I finally got around to tinker around with Arch on my Raspi 4 8GB. It seems that this will make a pretty capable small desktop replacement, especially if on SSD is attached. :)
Well see if everything that i need for my daily driver will run.
(outdated) my self-hosting setup
cgmnlm, a colorful gemini line-mode client
Perl maybe considered oldschool by many, but it is still very good in text processing - which is the very core of gemini. Therefore it is obvious to use perl for cgi with gemini.
orrg, online rss feed renderer for gemini
gmnifaq, a dynamic FAQ-engine for gemini capsule
my gemini related projects on src.clttr.info
As a amateur photographer i created some open source tools which support my development workflow
photo-stats is a small statistics processor for your terminal
photography workflow tools on src.clttr.info
I started my "computer career" in the late 1980s, when i wrote BASIC programs on one of these:
I've since been a tech addict interested in coding and admin stuff. I embrace the KISS principle, i guess that's why i'm so excited about gemini.
After 15 years of working as a software engineer, i'm now more into backend stuff. Honestly i have never been that good in creating a new piece of software from scratch, but i'm pretty good at picking some random stuff and improve it. Thats why whenever there was a piece of "legacy software" that needed to be maintaned it got on my desk.
I run a few public sites on the "ordinary web":
fotowolke.net - german photography community
clttr.info - my private shortlink service
scl.clttr.info - my Friendica instance, part of the fediverse
Besides "tech" my spare time is mostly dedicated to my wife and our dogs, motorcycling and photography. Sometimes even some casual gaming.
profile on my private Gitea instance
fediverse account @ scl.clttr.info
licence: CC-BY-NC-SA ยฉ Renรฉ Wagner