When teenage partygoers go bad
The party house
The scene of the destruction has now been repaired
The danger of MySpace turning teenage parties into apocalyptic gatecrasher
magnets has had parents scratching their heads. But even with security guards,
wristbands, and a strict guest-list a party can still end in carnage, writes
Monica Fuller in our reader's column.
Man plans and God laughs. Maybe I should have thought about that when I agreed
to allow a teenage party, for no good reason, in my Melbourne home.
So I planned, but what one cannot plan for is the unforeseen - the
gatecrashers, the occasional stupidity of youth, their disrespect for property
and themselves.
To begin with, ground rules were laid down, a list of invitees was to be
compiled and stuck to, hired security guards would patrol at the door and the
rear of the house.
Human faeces had been smeared on our bathroom walls, two toilet seats broken,
holes on the wall made by stilettos, wall tiles broken and the floors defied
No glass in the back garden because sure as anything they would throw a bottle
in the pool or on someone's head, an ID bracelet dated and named would be given
to each guest and this would show us who had gatecrashed, the pool gate locked,
neighbours advised, police register of party filled in, DJ hired, everything
was great.
At 7.30pm, they began to arrive, at 9pm I felt my first wave of nausea as about
50 youths rolled through the gate in puffer jackets and attitude. These boys
were known as being gang members and they looked it.
My first reaction was to call the police. Whilst waiting for the police to
arrive I had a word with a couple of these boys explaining that they didn't
look as though they needed any more trouble in their life, especially over a
15-year-old's party.
Fences scaled
After a bit of negotiating they saw sense and left. On their way down the road
they beat up a young lad coming to the party and broke his nose and split his
While I had agreed a hundred could come, there were about 150 inside the house
and out in the back yard with another 100-120 in the front yard trying to get
in - with any lie, or trick they could think of. Many scaled fences but were
found by security.
One neighbour will not talk to me since the party. The fact is that what
happened outside the party was not in our control. MSN and Myspace sends out
messages at the speed of light about where a 'good' party is being held and so
they storm the gates.
That was the maddest party and mum wasn't it brilliant nobody had anything
stolen, that's a first
What of their parents though? Where do they think their 16 and 17-year-old
children are? One parent dropped off four boys aged 16-17 and one was wasted
with alcohol, and they were not on the list. Just dropped and left with no
knowledge of their safety.
I have never dropped my daughter and her friends off at a party without seeing
them inside and settling on a time to collect.
Outside the house was extremely tense as we juggled with kids unable to handle
alcohol but with a good handle on their mouths. The language was mind blowing
in its obscenity, not directed at me, just spattered in their own
Inside was rocking, the DJ was excellent and my friends were doing a good job
of making sure all handbags stayed in a secure area in the front room.
What I didn't see as I went from area to area was that my house was trashed.
Food was dripping from the ceiling where they had aimed at light fittings just
for a laugh. Toothpaste had been used to graffiti the bathroom mirror, then
sprayed with hairspray to make it stick.
Human faeces had been smeared on our bathroom walls, two toilet seats broken,
holes on the wall made, it would seem, by stilettos, wall tiles broken and the
floors defied description. There were drinks poured on walls, cans thrown in
the pool, hedges trampled and broken.
I grew up in Glasgow and went to parties every week - we had a ball and left.
No stealing, no throwing food no damage - just a laugh and good music.
But my daughter was a hero for throwing the party of the year - she has glowed
ever since. For her it was "the maddest party, and Mum, wasn't it brilliant -
nobody had anything stolen, that's a first". God's still laughing and I am
still wondering how I was tricked into saying yes. Never again.