The death of language is GOOD, not bad.

(Score:5, Insightful)

by Colin Smith (2679) on Monday October 01, @05:42AM (#20807999)

A language is just a communication protocol. Would you say that having 7000

incompatible networking protocols is a good thing? No, it patently isn't.

Thousands of incompatible languages simply help create pockets of ignorance and

deprivation. The only people who benefit are those who can translate.

Having said that. The corollary is that learning multiple languages is a good

idea for an individual. If you live in the UK and speak only English then you

are excluded from the largest economies on the continent; France Germany etc.

The French and Germans all speak English. If their economies tank, they can

always look for work in the UK.

Speaking of which, I have a German lesson this evening.