Apple has biggest impact on world consumers: survey

By Rachel SandersonSun Mar 30, 9:20 PM ET

The Apple (AAPL.O) brand has the biggest impact on the world's consumers, while

Microsoft (MSFT.O) and the United States nation brand are those considered most

in need of a remake, a survey showed on Monday.

The poll by online magazine asked its readers to identify the

brands with the greatest impact on their lives, and say how they affected

readers' behaviour and their view of the world.

The nearly 2,000 professionals and students who voted named Apple overwhelming

winner. The creator of the iPod and Mac computer triumphed in six categories

including most inspiring brand and the one readers cannot live without.

Microsoft, the world's largest software maker was also a winner, but it

received the dubious honor of the brand most readers wanted to argue with, and

the one they most wanted to revamp. Voted into second place in the category was

brand USA.

"Apple has clearly captured the hearts and minds by leading across most

categories. Others, such as the USA nation brand, which ranks highly as most in

need of a rebrand, requires help according to our readers," said brandchannel

editor Jim Thompson.

The poll does not take account of economic brand value, the murky science of

assigning a financial value to brand, which regularly puts Coca-Cola Co's

(KO.N) Coke in first place.

One of the more surprising results from the survey, was that few of the

respondents -- who came from 107 countries -- thought that there was such a

thing as a "green" brand.

The result comes despite millions of dollars spent by some of the world's

biggest companies to rebrand themselves as "environmentally-friendly."

Discussing Apple, one anonymous reader said there was "never a dull moment"

with the company "reinventing itself all along and providing, over and over

again, a new perspective on what we thought was carved in stone."

At the other end of the spectrum, Microsoft had "gone from innovative and bold

to stodgy and follower," said another unnamed reader.

After Apple, the most inspiring brands were Nike (NKE.N), Coca-Cola, Google

(GOOG.O) and Starbucks (SBUX.O), the survey showed.

The same brands, except with Virgin in place of Starbucks, were the brands most

readers would "like to sit next to at a dinner party."

The rankings by were based on answers from almost 2,000

readers from 107 countries. The survey was conducted online from February 24 to

March 9.