Jogger runs mile with rabid fox locked on her arm

PRESCOTT, Ariz. (AP) - With a fox locked onto her arm, an Arizona jogger ran a

mile to her car, where she was able to dislodge the animal, throw it into the

trunk and drive to a Prescott hospital. The Yavapai County Sheriff's Office

said the fox, which later attacked an animal control officer, tested positive

for rabies.

The unidentified Chino Valley resident told deputies she was on a trail Monday

at the base of Granite Mountain when the fox attacked, biting her foot. The

woman said she grabbed it by the neck when it went for her leg and it latched

onto her arm.

Thinking the fox was rabid, she wanted to make sure it didn't get away so she

ran to her car, where she was able to pry open its jaws, wrap it in a sweat

shirt and toss it into the trunk.

The woman is receiving rabies vaccinations, as is the animal control officer.