Man says he shot car with paintballs to deter DUI

KENNEWICK, Wash. A man who reportedly told police he was trying to deter a

friend from driving drunk by blasting the friend's windshield with paintballs

wound up in jail. In the words of Kennewick, Wash., police Sgt. Ken Lattin:

"This is a very creative way to prevent someone from drinking and driving, but

not legal or safe."

Responding Tuesday night to a nearby resident's report of a man shooting

paintballs at a car, police found the 41-year-old man, who explained his


The Tri-City Herald reported the man was arrested and booked into the Benton

County jail for investigation of unlawfully discharging a weapon and an

unrelated misdemeanor warrant.

Lattin suggested a designated driver would be a better approach.