Spatial-temporal reasoning

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Spatial-temporal reasoning is the ability to visualize spatial patterns and

mentally manipulate them over a time-ordered sequence of spatial


This ability is important for generating and conceptualizing solutions to

multi-step problems that arise in areas such as architecture, engineering,

science, mathematics, art, games, and everyday life.

A profile of an individual with higher acuity to spatial-temporal reasoning is

otherwise referred to as having an exceptional spatial awareness.

While some visual thinkers (who account for around 60% of the general

population)[1] also have good spatial-temporal reasoning this does not make

spatial-temporal reasoning exclusive to those who "think in pictures".

Spatial-temporal reasoning can have as much or more to do with one of the other

5 main modes of thought: the logical (mathematical/systems) style of thought


Kinesthetic learners (physical learners who learn through body mapping and

physical patterning) are highly developed in spatial awareness[2] and may also

visualize spatial patterns and movement direction without being predominantly

those who 'think in pictures'[1]. The same is true of logical thinkers

(mathematical/systems thinking) who think in patterns and relationships and may

work diagrammatically[1] without this being pictorially and, as such, may have

excellent spatial-temporal reasoning yet not necessarily be strong visual

thinkers at all.

Spatial-temporal reasoning is also studied in computer science. It aims at

describing the common-sense background knowledge on which our human perspective

on the physical reality is based. Methodologically, qualitative constraint

calculi restrict the vocabulary of rich mathematical theories dealing with

temporal or spatial entities such that specific aspects of these theories can

be treated within decidable fragments with simple qualitative (non-metric)

languages. Contrary to mathematical or physical theories about space and time,

qualitative constraint calculi allow for rather inexpensive reasoning about

entities located in space and time. For this reason, the limited expressiveness

of qualitative representation formalism calculi is a benefit if such reasoning

tasks need to be integrated in applications. For example, some of these calculi

may be implemented for handling spatial GIS queries efficiently and some may be

used for navigating, and communicating with, a mobile robot.

Examples of temporal calculi include the so-called point algebra, Allen's

Interval Algebra, and Villain's point-interval calculus. The most prominent

spatial calculi are mereotopological calculi, Frank's cardinal direction

calculus, Freksa's double cross calculus, Egenhofer and Franzosa's 4- and

9-intersection calculi, Ligozat's flip-flop calculus, and various region

connection calculi (RCC). Recently, spatio-temporal calculi have been designed.

For example, the Spatio-temporal Constraint Calculus (STCC) by Gerevini and

Nebel combines Allen's interval algebra with RCC-8. Moreover, the Qualitative

Trajectory Calculus (QTC) allows for reasoning about moving objects.

Most of these calculi can be formalized as abstract relation algebras, such

that reasoning can be carried out at a symbolic level. For computing solutions

of a constraint network, the path-consistency algorithm is an important tool.