Early Spankings Make for Aggressive Toddlers, Study Shows

By Jennifer Thomas

HealthDay Reporter by Jennifer Thomas

healthday Reporter Tue Sep 15, 11:53 pm ET

TUESDAY, Sept. 15 (HealthDay News) -- Children who are spanked as 1-year-olds

are more likely to behave aggressively and perform worse on cognitive tests as

toddlers than children who are spared the punishment, new research shows.

Though the negative effects of spanking were "modest," the study adds to a

growing body of literature that's finding spanking isn't good for children.

"Age 1 is a key time for establishing the quality of the parenting and the

relationship between parent and the child," said study author Lisa J. Berlin, a

research scientist at the Center for Child and Family Policy at Duke

University. "Spanking at age 1 reflects a negative dynamic, and increases

children's aggression at age 2."

The study is published in the September/October issue of Child Development.

Berlin and her colleagues looked at data on 2,500 white, Mexican American and

black children from low-income families. The data included parents' reports

about their children's behavior, their use of spanking, as well as home visits

by trained observers to document parent-child interactions at ages 1, 2 and 3.

About one-third of mothers of 1-year-olds reported they or someone in their

household had spanked their child in the last week, while about half of the

mothers of 2- and 3-year-olds reported that their child had been spanked.

The average number of spankings for 1-year-olds was 2.6 per week, while the

average for 2-year-olds was nearly three.

The study found that children who were spanked at age 1 had more aggressive

behaviors at age 2 and performed worse on measures of thinking abilities at age


Being spanked at age 2, however, did not predict more aggressive behaviors at

age 3, possibly because the spanking had begun at age 1 and by age 2 the kids

were already more aggressive, Berlin said.

Researchers also looked at the effects of verbal punishment, defined as

yelling, scolding or making derogatory comments. Verbal punishment was not

associated with negative effects if the mother was otherwise attentive, loving

and supportive.

Researchers controlled for family characteristics such as race, ethnicity,

mother's age, education, family income and the child's gender.

Previous research has shown spanking is more common among low-income households

than high-income households.

Researchers chose a sample of low-income families because some child behavior

experts have argued that when spanking is "cultural normative" -- that is, it's

expected for parents to use physical discipline -- the detrimental effects of

spanking may be lessened.

"We did not find that," Berlin said. "Even in a sample of low-income people

where presumably it's more normative to spank your kids, we found negative


The study also found that mothers who said their children were "fussy" babies

were more likely to spank them at ages 1, 2 and 3. But children who were more

aggressive at 2 were not more likely to get spanked.

"The implication or the suggestion in past arguments is that some kids who are

more aggressive or difficult to control might elicit more spanking, but that's

not what we found," Berlin said.

Researchers found that black children were spanked and verbally punished the

most, possibly because of cultural beliefs about the importance of respecting

elders and in the value of physical discipline, or because parents feel they

have to prepare their children for a racist and potentially dangerous world.

Of all the debates over child-rearing, spanking "definitely touches a nerve,"

Berlin said.

"It's a parenting practice that has been around for a long time, and that's

also in transition," Berlin said. "In general, the use of spanking is going

down. But there is also a contingent of people who really believe in it, who

say that's how they were raised and it's a tradition they want to continue."

Elizabeth T. Gershoff, an associate professor in the department of human

development and family sciences at University of Texas at Austin, said the

study adds to a growing body of research showing negative effects of spanking.

"Almost all the studies point to negative effects of spanking," Gershoff said.

"It makes kids more aggressive, more likely to be delinquent and to have mental

health problems. The more kids are spanked, the more they are likely to be

physically abused by their parents. This does not mean everyone who spanks

physically abuses, but that risk is there."

Because children tend to mimic parental behaviors, it's possible spanking

"creates a model for using aggression," Gershoff said. "Spanking is just


Less is known why spanking could inhibit cognitive development. One possibility

is that parents who spank are less likely to use reasoning with their children,

something that's good for development, Gershoff said.