The problem with self-service checkouts

By Denise Winterman

BBC News Magazine

Those unexpected items and the feeling you're paying and doing all the work.

Self-service checkouts are expanding throughout the UK, but many of us aren't

happy with them. So why is the relationship so fraught?

Unexpected item in the bagging area? Totally expected feeling of rage pumping

through your body? You're not alone.

New research suggests 48% of Britons think self-service checkouts are a

nightmare, neither quick nor convenient. Quite the opposite in fact, and their

complaints are all too familiar.


Don't scan items properly - 46%

Can't use own bags - 39%

Customer doing all the work - 13%

Always have to get help - 12% Source: Fatcheese

Firstly, there's the bag struggle. Shoppers who follow the "bag for life"

mantra may feel they aren't as welcome as they would expect. Self-service

checkouts often don't recognise them and shoppers may even be charged for

plastic bags they haven't used.

Then there's the barcode blindness the machines experience with maddening

regularity. There's nearly always something they refuse to scan, leaving

customers repeatedly swiping, running the risk of repetitive strain injury and

feeling a pang of sympathy for those who do this for a living.

'Arrest me'

Finally scanned? Now try and put it in the carrier bag. The phrase "unexpected

item in the bagging area" is so synonymous with the 21st Century shopping

experience it's become a T-shirt slogan. What's so unexpected anyway? You only

swiped the item a second ago and were charged for it.

"It's like the machine is very publicly saying 'you are too stupid to do this -

go home now'. It's far from ideal," says Bjorn Weber, of retail analysts Planet


Finally, after the palaver of paying, there's the nervousness about leaving the

shop. Did I scan it all correctly? Did I select the right type of bread roll

from the menu? Will I feel the long arm of the store (manager) on my shoulder

as I walk out the shop?

"I spend half my time worrying that security will arrest me for selecting the

wrong price Blueberry muffin," said shopper Sharon Adams when consulted in a

survey on self-service tills conducted by Fatcheese.

But it's not as simple as all-out hate for these tills. The people who like

them, really like them, say the supermarkets. And they're probably counting

among them that contingent of people who have always secretly hankered after

trying their hand as a checkout assistant.

The buzz

Self-service checkouts present an opportunity for these frustrated souls. On

the rare occasion a basket of shopping goes through without any hitches there's

a disproportional sense of satisfaction.

Or am I the only one who feels this?

However, this occasional buzz doesn't make up for the time spent battling with

the machines. But whether we want them or not, they are here and their numbers

are set to grow.

First introduced in the UK in the 1990s, the number of self-service checkouts

is set to double in the next few years. This is because they offer supermarkets

quick cost savings and in today's economic and highly competitive retail

climate, that has got to be a good thing.

Tesco, the UK's biggest supermarket, also leads the do-it-yourself checkout

league, with self-service counters in 256 stores. The tills process 25% of all

transactions in those shops. Sainsbury's has them in 220 stores and is planning


And while it may seem extremely trusting to get us to scan our own goods, the

machines have in-built weight controls as security measures.

Waitrose offers a variation on the theme. It has no such tills but has a Quick

Check service where people scan and pack items as they shop. The aim is to

really cut back on time at the till.

Supermarkets say the move towards self-service checkouts is not all about

cutting costs. They argue the tills can speed up your shopping trip, says Ahmed

Zaman, from shopping website Fatcheese, which conducted the research.

"But many shoppers have yet to be convinced that they really save time," he


That's because they only do in extremely selective circumstances - if you have

one item and can walk straight up to a self-service till for example.

Face-to-face time

"People perceive self-service checkouts to be quicker but that's because they

are actually doing the work," says Mr Weber. "In reality they take longer than

someone serving you, but it's annoying for the shopper to stand around waiting.

"This is even the case in countries like the US, where they've had such

checkouts for years and shoppers are very experienced at using them."

People's dislike of such tills could also be down to something that is very

British, he believes. Despite Brit's reputation for being reserved, we like to

speak to the people serving us.

"If you go to a supermarket in Germany or Spain or Italy, customers might

acknowledge the person on the till but they won't speak to them," says Mr

Weber. "It's different in the UK, people do speak to them and like to have a


In the past shopping was all about such personal service, but over the years it

has become more and more impersonal. From grocery shops, to supermarkets, to

shopping on the internet and now the expansion of self-service tills,

face-to-face time has been reduced or even excised completely from the shopping

experience. Are we becoming antisocial?

Not really, our choice is just expanding, says Mr Weber. The key to success is

still providing a good service and clued-up retailers are moving the staff they

take off tills on to the shop floor.

"That's where the real service takes place," he says. "Not at the checkout."

No benefits

And the expansion of such tills does not signal the end of manned ones, not in

Britain anyway as it is a distinctly different market for most other countries.

Tesco has one express store, opened in Northampton in October, that is

self-service only and supervised by just one member of staff. It's just a

trial, it says, and there are no plans to open any of its larger supermarkets

without checkout staff, like in the US.

"Staffing is important in the UK," says Mr Weber. "Supermarkets know long

queues don't benefit them. If it's busy they will open more manned tills."

Not surprisingly, the supermarkets agree.

"We'd never get completely rid of manned tills," says the Sainsbury's

spokeswoman. "For us it's all about offering people the choice. Self-service

checkouts are very popular with the customers who use them a lot, but we

realise people either like them or they don't."

But for many self-service haters, it comes down to two things. Don't say

something is time-saving when it hardly ever is. Also, they're not getting

paid, so don't make them do the work.

I love self-service checkouts. I can buy those embarrassing items without

anyone knowing, don't have to stand behind women or old people fiddling with

their purses, and can avoid all form of contact or 'conversation' with the

checkout assistants. mike wright, birmingham

There's many good reasons to despise self service tills, and I can't think of a

good thing to say about them (the exception being Waitrose, where the hand

scanners as you shop method does work). I wish all the stores would just dump

them and make room for tills that are faster and less frustrating - you know,

ones with human staff. My local supermarket now has four self service tills

which have to be manned by, um, four staff, because the tills are so awful...

Nic Brough, London, UK

"Unexpected item in the bagging area" - what a surprise, it's the bag I brought

to put my shopping in! Encouraged to help the environment and enticed by extra

"green" reward points, I bring a couple of bags to take my purchases home in,

only to find it confuses the machine to the extent it won't work. If a bag is

an unexpected item in the area that bears its name, what exactly is

expected?!?! Richard Travis, Manchester

I always use self-service checkouts, I rarely have issues and it is much much

quicker. I don't understand why people moan about these tills, after all its a

choice, if you don't like them, don't use them. Sarah, Essex

I HATE THESE MACHINES! and no I'm not a old duffer who can't work them! I hate

the fact that almost every time you use them you need to ask for help because

the machines are not calibrated properly, and I for one miss the communication

with the person sat at the till. Get shot of these evil unsociable machines.

Karl Duvall, Liverpool

I use these machines for small amounts of shopping. What annoys me most about

them is the way that they make you jump through their hoops - the back and

forth with the bag and the 'unexpected item'. I needed a staff member to swipe

their card to allow me to use my own bag last time. Lastly, I'll add they're

too talkative for me. Sometimes I just wish they'd shut-up and let me get on

with it - 'unexpected item in the bagging area', 'do you have a loyalty card',

'please take your shopping', etc. You can turn it off - but it never seems

worth it for 5 items or less. barnabyp, London, UK

I wouldn't mind if they stopped the stupid animations and made the computer

faster - I tend to scan, place the item in the bag and then wait for 5 seconds

while the stupid animation of "putting the item in the bag" completes before it

will let me scan my next item. So basically I'm saying it's the implementation

that is the problem, not the concept itself. Geoff Winkless, Leicestershire, UK

I used a self-service checkout a few days ago and used my own bag. I happily

selected the "I use my own bag" button on the screen (somewhat excited that I

could scan my products, still in awe of barcodes). Then the polite voice said

"please place your bag in the bagging area". No problem. Job done. Then I had

to wait for someone to come and actually verify that it was my own bag! I

hadn't even tried to buy anything yet and already the light above my head was

flashing red making me feel incompetent! Did they have to make sure I wasn't

trying to obtain some extra nectar points by deception?! I'd do it again,

though, just because it took me back to my childhood and the time I would play

'Shop'. Melanie Philpott, Torquay

My local Tesco's has them and I hate them, they take the social point of

speaking to the till operator, and feel like you have to rush. But most

annoying is that Supermarkets are saving money by not employing people which I

think in this current climate is important! Darren , Hemel

I always opt for the self-checkout if I'm not doing a large shop! It really

annoys my wife who would rather wait for longer and be served by a person but I

quite like it. Not having to answer questions like: 'what's the weather like?'

(look for yourself the window is just there!)or 'are you having a nice day?'

(I'm in the supermarket on a Saturday - NO!) I know that the machine telling

you off is patronising but I'd rather a machine patronise me than a real

person. Alex Cootes, London

I have used them, I always use my own bags, and I have nearly always needed

assistance due to something not working correctly. I like tehcnology, but I

like flirting with the cute checkout asistsants far more... so when a handsome

face is on offer, I am afraid technology will lose out :D Aaron jones,


Big Brother gone mad; I used one of these last week at a well known chain of

supermarket. Like usual i'd brought my own carrier bag. I scanned my 2 items,

pressed the 'have you used your own carrier bag button' and had to wait 5

minutes for a supervisor to authorise the 1 extra loyalty point (value 1/2p)

onto my card. I thought these things were here to speed things up and reduce

waiting time?!! Paul Haines, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk

Hate them, hate them, HATE THEM! The thing that makes me most angry isn't that

they're slow, inefficient, noisy, annoying and never work properly. What I

really resent is the way that the supermarkets pretend that it's all about

efficiency and providing a better service. But it isn't. It's about a machine

costing less to run than a person has to be paid. It's so obviously a way for

supermarkets to lay people off and replace them with machines. The last time I

tried to use one of those things I got so angry with it that I just left

everything half processed and walked out of the store. I haven't been back in

since and I don't intend to. I went to a rival supermarket that isn't as good

because I'd rather pay more for inferior products than contribute to a process

that devalues human workers. Alice Wilkes, Bristol

I am no technology luddite, but I hate these machines. They constantly refuse

to scan items, constantly go on about unexpected items etc. However my biggest

problem is that they make you do the work yourself. For the amount we have to

pay for our shopping the least you should be able to expect is someone to scan

your items and to put them in the bag for you. Maybe if they offered a 25%

discount on the bill I would think differently! William Allen, Belfast, UK