��� ��� ����� ��� ��� ����� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� �����۲�� ���۲�� ��� ��� ��� ��� ����� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ����� ��� ��� Hacking � Phreaking � Anarchy � Virus ���Ŀ ���Ŀ ���Ŀ ���Ŀ ���Ŀ ��Ŀ � ����Ŀ ���Ŀ ����� ����� ��� ���¿ ��� ô � � ô ���¿ �� �� � ����� ����� ����� �� ��� �� ����� ���������������������������������������Ŀ �Havok Pak:001 The RETURN!!!� �Fear our WRAITH!!!� ����������������������������������������� T � A � B � L � E O � F C � O � N � T � E � N � T � S 1����������Welcome to HAVOK -Dys 2����������Misc. Stuff!! -Dys 3����������The Basics of Carding -Fla 4����������Good and PHUN Pranx!! -Fla 5����������Hacking Amerika Online -Dys 6����������Things that go BOOM!! -RL 7����������Phun with AERESOL!! -RL 8����������Fun With KATZ -TY 9����������Hacking a RENEGADE -Dys 10����������Hacking Delphi -Dys 11����������Sending a Car to Hell -TY 12����������Making LSD -Dys 13����������"*" Codes.. -Dys 14����������TenEx Codes (10xxx) -Dys 15����������Hackers Phone Book -Dys 16����������Black List -Dys 17����������Dys's WarDialer -Dys 18����������Closing -Dys Section 1... WELCOME TO HAVOK!! Ok.. First i'd like to welcome you to HAVOK pak 1!! HAVOK used to be a Small group called A*S*S.. People didn't like our name cuz A*S*S means The Aryan Sekret Service.. Well Here's all or old A*S*S pak Shit (most of it anyway).. We're lookin' for Hackers/Phreaks/Anarchists still.. as well as some Decent programmers.. maybe an ANSI Person.. and I'm looking for a good VGA Artist (GIF or PCX).. ok well on with the PAK!!! Section 2... Misc. Stuff!! Current HAVOK members.. : Dysphunxion (Leader/Prez/Hacker/Phreak) Tyrant (Hacker/Anarchy) Stalker (Anarchy) Blade (Hacker) FlapJack (Hacker) Trippin' Phreak (Hacker/U-Lists) Rankor (Hacker/U-Lists) Red Leader (Anarchy/Distro) James Bond (Distro) Ok.. Here's some stuff for all you Hackers and Phreaks to Have fun with!! PBXs: 1-800-463-7843 PWD: 463-538-053-422-78 1-800-225-5946 PWD: 1-800-848-0684 PWD: 1-800-633-3902 PWD: 1-313-684-3345 PWD: 2234, 206, 2456 1-800-242-0100 PWD: 1-800-888-4432 PWD: 1-800-997-6522 PWD: 1-800-887-6522 PWD: 1-800-223-1270 PWD: ?? 5 digit code 1-800-624-5123 PWD: 1-800-200-0000 PWD: ?? 4 digit code 1-501-666-6886 PWD: 1-800-234-1257 PWD: 14752 1-800-938-2868 Pwd: Hey.. did you ever find yourself at a Pay Fone.. with no money?? and no way to make your Fone call.. Well Try this!!! MCI Card Number: 6126334408 First Name: Richard Middle Name: Todd Last Name: Restion MCI Account# 6A824231 Possible PIN #'s: 3048 3138 3228 3318 3408 3518 3068 3178 3288 3398 3628 3738 3848 3958 Well those are the possible ones.. lemme know if anyone finds one that works.. Sorry i only could get part of the number.. Section 3.... CARDING Everything needed to be known about Credit Carding by FlapJack Let me introduce myself, I am FlapJack, hacker/phreak/pirate/carder. In this first of my series of texts I will explain the way to card. The members of HAVOK and I are not responsible for your actions taken in this matter, this is only meant to be educational. Make sure you read everything before you start!!!!!!! 1. In order to start carding you need to be smart and a quick thinker, this is very important unless you want to get caught and be doing time in jail. This means you have to practice with talking smoothly on the phone and trying not to laugh. Try prank calling Pet Stores or Exterminators, if you can do this without cracking up then you are all set! 2. You first need a credit card number. There are many ways to get this. A) You can go trashing. Trashing is sort of dangerous and should only be done at night. This means you are going to have to jump in a dumpster and look for carbon copies of receipts. It is best if you go with a few people, so you have at least one person as look out. Also, bring a hat. This is your excuse, it might not work at 12 midnight, but its worth a try. Just throw it in the dumpster and when the old pigs come around after their Drunkin' Donuts run, just say you were walking home from a party and one of your friends through your hat in the dumpster. You then take it out of there and start walking away and when Mr. Pig goes away you go back and finish your job. Since there is no curfew that I know of in Connecticut, you have a right to be out at night but you WILL be stopped by a cop sometime during the night. This is probably the most dangerous but the most effective way to find credit card numbers. Your best bet is to try banks, many have paper shreaders, but still there are a lot of cheap bosses who do not want to invest in them. Hard Copy did this same thing, but they applied for credit cards with social security numbers and actually got 7 out of 8 tries. You can also try Radio Shack, Caldors, Ames, Bradlees, etc. I think the best are banks and/or travel agencies, they both mainly deal with credit cards. This is the most effective because you will have the expiration date and the person's name on the carbon, which will cut down on some extra work. B) Another way to get numbers is to take your parents number. Use the credit number generator enclosed with this pak and check for valid numbers. You will know the expiration date because it will be on the card, but I will get to that a little later. Only use the check for valid credit numbers command, extrapolating card numbers works but its hard to get the right expiration date. Here is the process of getting a valid number: Say your number was 5000-0000-0000-0009, this is a real number but I don't now the expiration date so its worthless. You then use Cmatser2.exe and pick C. This checks for the valid credit card number and fixes it if its wrong. All the next numbers after this one go up by ten and by ones. This is how the next number will look like: 5000-0000-0000-001X, X is not known so that's why you use the checker, all you do now once you press C, put 5000000000000010, if its wrong which it is, it will correct it and tell you the right number. Write it down, now put C and put 5000000000000020, it will then fix this one, write this down again too. Keep doing it this way and you will eventually learn the pattern of how the ones number is when you raise ten. Understand? I hope! Do this until you get about 30 card numbers. Do not use the 5000-0000-0000-XXXX number I gave you because it has not and probably will not be issued. Generate from you parenst number like I said above. Just raise the 15th number by ten and end it with 0 then check it and it will fix it. Put all the other numbers in though, only change the last two!! All 5 means is that it is Master Card, 4 is Visa, etc.. There are usually 16 numbers so that's why i use 16, but the least there could be is 13. In the next step I will tell you how make sure that it is valid. 3) If you went trashing to find your credit card number, then you already know the expiration date so skip this step. If you generated manually by Cmaster2, then do this step! Since you used your parent's number you already know the expiration date. Now take your 30 valid credit card numbers and go down to a pay phone. Now only use #30, 30 being the last number that you generated manually. Call 1-800-WET-TITS now. Enter #30's number followed by the pound sign, #. Then it will say Please enter the valid expiration date in 4 digits meaning 2 for the month and the last two for the year, example: 0496, put the pund sign again. If the expiration date is correct it will say, "You have been recognized as a new member." and you will get customer service, now you can either have some fun or hang-up. DO NOT USE THIS NUMBER AGAIN unless you call the hot lines like the one I just gave you. They will be investigating the number once you hang-up. Only call the number I gave, some of the other hot lines like that do not care what the expiration date is, this is the only one I know of that tells you if its correct. The expiration date is the most important besides the number, its also a form of security against credit card fraud. Once you have this step done, you can move to the next step. 4) Now you need to find a drop site, an empty house to have what you want sent to. Look for places around by you. There are some really old houses by me that are vacant, all you have to do is mow the lawn and make sure there's a mail box and curtains in the window. Through my studies on this credit carding, I found out mostly all the ways to get the things sent to your house, I will talk about this near the end of this step. You must also be able to go in the house so it looks like you walk out the door. Use your best judgement, if you were UPS would you send something to the house? This is very crucial to the ordering process. When you call to order, which will be the next step, you will have to decide the way of travel for your order, UPS or Federal Express. UPS ground service takes about 1 week, which is dangerous because that give the company time to bill the credit card company. When it comes you will have to sign for it, no matter what, if you aren't there when it comes in, you will have to go to the nearest UPS headquarters, there's one in either Union City or Naugatuck, CT. Federal Express is much quicker but costs more, hey its not your card so who cares! Federal Express is either two day delivery or one day, not sure, I'm getting one sent to me now as I am writing this. If I were you, I would pick Federal Express, its quicker and safer. You MUST STAY IN THE HOUSE ALL DAY UNTILL FEDERAL EXPRESS DELIVERS OR UPS!! If you are not home for Federal Express, they will leave a note on your door, you can just sign it and put where you want them to deliver it the next day when they come by again. I'm not sure if this will be the case when you order 3 gigs, I don't know. That's what happened when I order something and I wasn't home. The most important thing is to make sure that the house looks LIVEABLE!! The next step is ordering.. 5) Now go back down to the old pay phone, but before this look in your computer shopper and order what you want. Start asking about a lot of things so they aren't suspicious, then order the thing you want. Get Federal Express or whatever but no matter what you have to sign the paper no matter what. Give the address of your drop house and do not give any real info except the credit card number. Now use numbers 1 to 29 that you generated, skip around. If you want two things, then call up two different companies and use two different credit card numbers. Also it would be a good idea to get another drop house for the second order and use two different names. All of this should work, but just be very, very carefull, remember the true carder cannot be caught! And with this I will leave you, may your days be carding days and all your orders come in! FlapJack Section 4... Good Pranx!! Good Pranks By FlapJack Again, these texts are only meant to be entertaining and/or educational. The members of HAVOK and I are not responsible for your actions taken in this matter. Here's my tutorial on good prank calls, you can use Dr. Sbaitso for beginners or voice calls for experts. Pay Phone Pranks Here's a simple prank you can play with on the pay phone. Dial 991-XXXX (Not 911!!!!) XXXX means the last four digits of the pay phone's number. Dial this and you will get a dial tone, hang it up then pick it up no more than 1 second later, you should now hear a beeping noise. Now hang it up this last time and run and hide in the bushes and wait for some fool to take the bait. The phone will then ring and someone will pick it up and hear nothing but a faint sound of the beep. Keep doing this and it will piss off a lot of people, it worked with all the rich snots at a yacht club I went to with my neighbors. This one fat old lady was cursing the damn phone! Targets for Pranks Here are some great crank calls: I obatined all their info by pretending to be some guy from a survey!! James and Gwen Summers 888-FART or 888-3278 25 Hogsback Road, Oxford CT The guys sounds retarded but he's really 74, the wife is 82 and very very old and stupid, she'll believe anything. Somelady (I never got her name) 888-2633 She's a real bitch just bug the hell out of her!! Nick LoCicero (one of the fat nerds at my school) 888-9196 Just bug the hell out of him, you have to hear the answering machine!! Tom Sadowski (another geek) 888-2615 Just call him MEAT, it's a long story but bug him to hell also or just talk to his dad and say that you are a parent of one of his friends at school, don't give the name, just say that Tom is gay and has been doing strange things to your son!! It really bad but who cares!!! Finally the best of them all: Berneice Spivak (Ber-neece Spee-vack) 59 Swan Avenue, Seymour 888-2989 BTW she talks like a man!!! Let me tell you a little about her, she is an aide at my old middle school. We call her torpedo tits and the turkey woman. She has an Adam's apple that sags down a lot!! She also has such big tits she practically trips over them walking up the stairs!! My friends and I always call 1-800-COLLECT and she picks up. She's about 57 or so, what she doesn't know is that 1-800-COLLECT doesn't deal with operators, only recordings, so she says, "Operator, operator trace this call... (then she says) ahh you little shits you think this is funny don't you... (then her husband says who is this, in the background) Its those dumb ass kids again!!!" If you think that's nothing, that's only the beginning, my friends and I once ordered a $1000 parrot for her and just the other day we had about 3 exterminators go to her house and spray the outside when she was at work, but the best thing is that she has to pay for it!!! Her husband also says, "Why don't you cut out this God damned shit!!" They get really pissed but its really funny. Her car is a humongus bomb!! I think it needs some thermite!!! This is the best number to call!!! Try it out.. You should also do random crank calling at about midnight and say you are a servay company, most people believe you. BTW some phone numbers cannot be found with caller id, like 888 numbers for some reason... Call Video Stores and reserve for Berneice. Also try this pizza places number, they never call back to make sure the number is real and order Berneice some pizza's (hehehehehe hahahaha) Its called Good Pizza 732-8107 The guy had a bad accent so listen carefully! For pet stores call: Fur N' Feather - 735-9991 Tropical Pets - 735-9339 Statewide Pets - 795-9931 For video stores call: 888-2505 (not 2525, that's the cops!!) - Spectrum Video - ask for dirty movies for Berneice For exterminators call: Bug Busters - 734-8545 and many, many more Just take out the ol' Yellow Pages!!! Use your creativity for crank calls. It's fun and really pisses people off. FlapJack Section 5... Hacking AOL Hacking AOL By: Dysphunxion OK.. We all Know AOL is lame as All Fuck.. but hey.. some people aren't talented enough to hack a real service.. (sorry Nasty Nas Had to say it man) If you want a real service read my info on Delphi.. Well AOL doesn't even Have internet setup yet so that's part of why it sux.. and plus you can go into the hacking chat room expecting to trade with people and only get ripped off.. One good thing AOL does have However is the INTERNET Mail.. giving you at least an internet Mail Address.. Heres some good tricks for the lame ass's on AOL!! Grabbing Random IM's.. Here's an Amerika Online trick.. This Requires AOL for Windows.. 1) Send Yourself an Instant Message. (it will be refered to as IM from now on) 2) Upon Recieving it.. click on respond.. Hold Alt and type 0128 on Your KEYPAD!! THIS IS IMPORTANT.. IT MUST BE ON YOUR KEYPAD.. You Should see a little Square.. 3) Press then press Space.. 4) If it comes up with a blank line.. than keep tryin.. until you get stuff.. AOL Text Manipulation.. Here is a simple Text Manipulation Trick for Windows America Online.. 1) Using your mouse, highlight three lines of text in the chat room.. Make sure that all three lines have been said by different people, and that you also highlight their screen names! 2) Go to the edit bar, and select copy. 3) After that, Click your mouse on the spot where you write what you want to say... 4) Then go back up to the edit bar, and click paste. All of the text that you have highlighted should show up where you type in what you want to say. 5) Find the screen name that has 2 little sqaures in front of it, and 1 behind it. Delete everything, except that and the colon in-between them. 6) Once you've done that, type what you want to say after the squares, and type the persons screen name for who you want to say it in side the squares. 7) Just send it, and it should work... It might take a little practice, It did for me..... Downloading and Chatting at the same time OK.. AOL Sux.. as i said before.. :) so you can Download from they're large Shareware selection.. (why would you do that) or from what you have gotten from hackers on AOL.. (if they actually trade).. This to Requires Windows.. 1) Open your Chat room Window.. and goto the Room you wanna be in... 2) Start your download.. and move the download window into the bottom corner until you can just barely see how much time is left.. 3) Press ALT-TAB.. This will bring you to the Windows Program Manager.. 4) Select File and select Exit.. This will ask you OK or CANCEL.. click on OK.. (don't worry it won't exit) 5) next it'll show your AOL window and Say "Sign off) than YES, NO or EXIT.. 6) select NO then click on yer Chat Window and Chat Away.. If it locks up at all than just do it again.. Well as you can see Windows AOL has LOTS OF FLAWS!!! well this will help anyone hacking AOL or PAYING FOR IT.. (it really ain't worth it) SECTION 6... THINGS THAT GO BOOM!! Things that go BOOM!! By: Red Leader ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer This file is merely for entertainment puropses and none of these methods should be tried. I the author, or any other other HAVOK member are not responsiable for any injury or any other legal problems that may occur. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Intro Ok here Is another phun file about how ta blow shit up. These are all dangerous and will fuck ya up if ya don't do em right. A few of these ideas are borrowed from other files, but I didn't copy em down word fer word. Hope ya like it. Flying Lighters Shit ya need: - 2 lighters - A knife or flat head screwdriver The first thing you want to do is take the little metal part off the top of the lighter with the knife or screwdriver (a dime will work fine). The next thing to do is take the flint and other little things out. The red button proably won't come out though. Now make sure there is fuel left in the lighter. if there isn't any fuel it won't work. The more fuel the better. Now stand the lighter ya wanna blow up strait so the top is up. Now light the top with the other lighter and get away from it. You will first see fire shoot out of the top then it will blow up in a mushroom cloud and shoot the lighter about three to four feet. Fertilizer Bomb Shit ya need - Newspaper - Fertilizer( the chemical kind) - Cotton - Diesel Fuel First make a pouch out of the newspaper and put some fertilizer in it. Then put the cotton on top of it. Soak the cotton with the disel. Before ya light this bomb up ya might want to find somewhere to take shelter, or run real fast. This will blow up and spread fire about 500 square feet. Paint Bomb Materials: - Can of Paint - Dry Ice Ta make a paint bomb, ya need a metal paint can with a refastenable lid. make sure the the paint is a nice bright color like pink or purple. Or some really groos color like pea green. now open the can and drop the dry ice in. Put the top back on the can and run like Hell!! The can will explode blowing messy paint all over everything. If yer really pissed off at you're victim, put the can on his doorstep, knock on his door, and run the Fuck away!!! The asshole will be covered with Paint! Hahahahahaha!! Co2 Bomb Shit ya need: - A Co2 cartridge - Black Powder - A fuse Ok, First use up a Co2 cartridge by shootin it or whatever. Then make the hole bigger with a nail. Then fill it up with black powder (from a shotgun shell) and pack it in really good by tapping the bottom of it on pavement or another hard surface. Now insert a fuse, use a good cannon fuse or a fuse from an M-80. A fire cracker fuse will work if ya can run faster than a bat outta Hell! Once it's lit run like a Mother Fucker! this bomb will blow lots of shit up, It will throw shrapnel all over and make a big mess! Exploding Lightbulb Ya need the following: - A lightbulb (100 w) - Black Powder To make it do this: - Drill a small hole in the top of the buld near the threads. - carefully pour the blackpowder into the bulb so it touches the filament - Put the bulb back in the lamp (make sure the lamp is off or you're Fucked!!!) - Get the Hell out! Campo Bomb Ingredients: - A large explosive like an M-80 or H-100 - A cardboard cylindrical container like a Kool-Aid can - Several cans of Comet cleanser ( A-jax dosn't work) - A roll of Electrical tape This is a cool little bomb called the Campo Bomb. It's relatively safe and it's real fun. To make it fill up the kool-aid can half way with the Comet. Then put a hole in the can right in the middle. put the M-80 or whatever next to the hole, and put the fuse through the hole. Now pour more Comet over the M-80 until it's to the top. Now put the lid on the can and put the tape on it. When you light this run like Hell!! (unless you like to inhale Comet) When this explodes it will make a huge green cloud that drifts & drifts. Have A Blast! Conclusion Well I hope ya have fun with some this shit, Just don't let the cops catch ya doin any of this shit, or yer gonna see some comunity service. Bye for a now, I'll be back next time I'm bored. SECTION 7... PHUN WITH AERESOL!! Phun with Aresol Kanz By Red Leader ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer This file is merely for entertainment puropses and none of these methods should be tried. I the author, or any other other HAVOK member are not responsiable for any injury or any other legal problems that may occur. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Disclaimer 2. Intro 3. Pelet gun 4. Exploding kan 5. Fountain o' Fire 6. Rock 7. Hammer 8. Wrap Up Intro If you've ever taken an aresol kan and put a lighter up to it and watched the fire come out, you'll love these new, and creative ideas. All of these methods can result in severe burns, or other painful problems, so be careful. 1. Pelet gun Supplies: aresol can pelet gun somethin ta hold the kan up candle or other flame First make sure yer can is flamable, do this by taking a lighter, holding the can up to it then spraying it. If a long stream of fire shoots out, yer can is flamable. First take the can and prop it up on the brick or whatever yer usin ta hold the can up with so that the bottom of the can is on the ground. Now light the candle and put it so it's under the can, the flame should be touching the can. Now take yer pelet gun (it should be Co2) then turn the Co2 up really high. get a few feet away and shoot the can. This will puncture the can causing a spray of whatever's in it to fly and hit the candle lighting up the gas. This will make a big BANG when the fire goes into the can. once you puncture the can with a pelet, get the HELL away! 2. Exploding Kan Supplies aresol can bricks to hold can up leaves or sticks for a fire a lighter First set up the can ot the two brickes, so the bricks are on the ends of the can, then put the leaves or stickes under the can between the bricks. then light the leaves. It should look at this. _______________ : Can : :_______________: ____ ____ :bri-: /\ / \ :bri-: :ck : / \ \ \ :ck : :____: Fire :____: after a while the fire will get the can to above the temp it can go to and the can will explode. This will take a while but when it finally goes up it will be cool. 3. Fountian o' Flame Supplies aresol can a brick leaves or sticks To do this put the leaves or sticks or whatever yer usin to build the fire and make a small fire with them. Then take the can and stand it up next to the fire. finally lean the brick up to the can so it pushes the top down spraying the can. make sure the hole is aimed at the fire. When the brick pushes it down it will spray at the fire making a large stream of fire, this looks cool, and it will also proably melt a hole in the can and cause it to blow up. The more stuff in the can the longer it will go. 4. Rock Supplies aresol can a large rock fire For this one, build a fire and put the can on top of it. Then when the flames are all around the can throw the rock at it really hard. This will either make a stream of fire come out the side, or it will make a large fire ball. 5. Hammer Supplies can of spray paint Sledge Hammer This one can only be used with a can of spray paint or it won't do what ya want it to do. First ya put the can of spray paint on you're neighbors lawn or next to his house. Then ya wack it with the sledge hammer. This will make a huge mess, and proably get on you, so wear old cloths. You should also do this at night or you're victim will see you running away with paint all over you then see paint all over their house, and he's gonna be one mad motherfucker Wrap Up Ok have fun with all of these new methods of blowing up an aresol can. you can use hair spray and WD-40 for all of these things, but try spray paint. Not only does it explode (it's pretty flameable) but it makes one big ass mess. So try it on you're most hated neighbor's lawn, or driveway. Have Phun! Thanx to Jolly Green for helping me think of and test all these ideas. SECTION 8.. FUN WITH CATS!! Hello from Tyrant ...... Welcome to the 1st in a long line of anarchy text from your buds at HAVOK RECOMMENDATION: If you are an animal lover don't read any further 1. Fun with cats A) First things first WATCH OUT FOR CLAWS those really hurt. Now for the fun stuff. Find a cat you hate, one that keeps pissing on your house or walking in your yard. Catch it and put it in a pillow case and swing it around like a sling. Preferably into a wall. B) Try burying a cat with it's head popping out of the ground. Next find your favorite lawnmower. You can figure out what to do. C) Try this, take a cat put it in a pool then hold it under water with a skimmer. Awwww poor kitty got wet. We'll just have to dry it off. Use either your handy-dandy microwave or the dryer. Either way you'll have cooked cat for dinner. D) Gee.... I wonder if cats like the taste of M-1000. Well we'll just have to find out. E) A quick way to piss off the neghborhood ass hole. Every neghiborhood has one. Ours called the cops one time for skate boarding. One day while the neighborhood dogs are out, catch his cat. Then find those good ol' dogs and watch the fur fly! F) Find yer Favorite 'lil Kitty... Have Someone Hold it down.. While you take a pair of scissors and chop off all it's whiskers.. now put the cat near a wall and watch him walk into it till he dies.. SECTION 9... HACKING RENEGADE How To Hack Renegade BBS Systems By Dysphunxion Renegade is one of the more common bbs systems being used. Being a hack itself, of Telegard, one can easily guess that there's a bug in it somewhere. A bug? That's too small a word. This has missed all of our attention... Now you will know... You can grab all the renegade data files, user data files, and the chat logs. What You Need: A Renegade Mock Setup (If you wish to see the files good A Renegade BBS To Hack (They must have the archive menu) 1) Dial your target Renegade BBS... 2) Logon.. I advise using a fake account and deleting the logs when you're done. 3) After you logon, make sure the sysop is not around. Check the messages, play some door games to make it look normal. Page the sysop to see if he's around. Note that this hack is done better at night, when the sysop is asleep. 4) When ready, goto the file menu. 5) In the file menu there is an option called "/A". This is the archive menu. This is where you will do your work on compressed files.. this is also where you will do your hacking. 6) From the archive menu, select "W", to work on a file. 7) Enter the name of the archive you wish to work on. (This can be any name, followed by the extension of the file. ".ZIP" is the best, and most systems support it. What you will be doing is adding the data files to a .zip file for later download. 8) Now you have to add files. You hit "A" to do this. When it prompts you for files, type "../../u*.dat". Next type "../../r*.dat". Finally type "../../*.log". 9) Now you have the data files and chat logs in the archive... You may now download the file which you have created... 10) Now here's how to view it. Set up a mock Renegade BBS. 11) Copy the renegade.dat to your main renegade directory and copy the user files to x:\renegade\data\, or whatever your renegade data directory is. 12) Start renegade using RENEGADE /L .. this loads it in local mode.. 13) Goto the user setup and start writing down passwords... System passwords are found in the system config section... (So you can logon as the sysop--Note that to do so you will need his/her phone number, password, and the system password. You can look at the RENEGADE.DAT file with a lister and find parts of passwords as well.) Section 10.. How to Hack Delphi How to Hack Delphi By Dysphunxion Ok.. Delphi is another Lame ass online service.. But it's not half as lame as Amerika Online.. Delphi However has FULL internet Services.. Including : FTP <-File Transfer Protocol IRC <-InterNet Relay Chat Telnet EMAIL and More.. The Thing's you'll most be intrested in is IRC's and FTP's.. An IRC is a big ascii style live chat.. It's pretty quick and can handle hundreds of people on the same "Chat Channel".. Some Basic Commands for IRC are: /JOIN # <-this allows you to change to different Chat Rooms.. /Topic <-Changes topic /Away <-Marks you as away and displays the reason to people.. /MSG <-sends a private message to Those are the basic commands.. /HELP shows more.. Good Channels: #Warez4 #ANSI #Coders #Virii Play around with IRC.. It's lots of fun.. FTP: An FTP is a Internet File Transfer Protocol.. This allows you to browse file libraries on other Computers (UNIX/VAX/SUN mainly).. You can find everything from Demos to Programming to Warez.. It's pretty much like an ordinary MS-Dos Computer.. You can use commands like CD and DIR.. Those will move you from place to place.. to Download a File (actually to your delphi workspace) you first get to the directory you want the files from and type "BINARY".. This tells the Remote computer what type of file to send Next you can "Get " if you know the specific file name.. or if you just wanna leech than you can always "MGET *.*".. Mget is for Multiple get.. it tells the Unix/Vax/Whatever.. to get LOTS OF SHIT!!! Good sites to FTP: CS.UWP.EDU \PUB\MSDOS\DEMOS \in.coming\".. "\MSDOS Halcyon.COM \PUB\Mirror\CUD Well Have Phun on Delphi.. here's how you set up an account.. Capture file opened 7-Jul-1994 10:01p ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� CONNECT 14400/V42BIS <-PRESS ENTER UNTIL YOU GET THIS-> ... Username: JOINDELPHI JOINDELPHI automatically logged in. Welcome! Please enter your password: Please enter your password: Please enter your password: Thank you for calling DELPHI! Through this special offer, you can join DELPHI on a trial basis and receive 5 hours for FREE! You can use this free time to explore hundreds of fun and valuable services, including "chat" lines with participants from all over the world, Internet services, exciting multi-player games, and software libraries loaded with shareware and other files you can download for use on your own computer. Further details about DELPHI's membership plans and the trial offer will be presented during the registration process. This special offer is limited to one per household and is available to new members only. Because there are some premium services such as stock market reports, FAX, and Telex, a valid credit card is required for immediate access. Rate information and membership terms are given during this registration. Please review the information carefully. Press RETURN to continue. To register as a DELPHI member, we need your name, address, phone number, and billing information. At the prompts, please enter your: Last Name First Name Country Address Line 1 Address Line 2 City State Code Postal Code Last Name: Los Jovenes <-- Make up a Name that sounds kindda real First Name: julio <-- Don't forget to make up a first name that matches What country do you live in? (RETURN for USA): (1) Address Line 1 (Street address): 295 south main st (2) Address Line 2 (RETURN if none): City: waterbury <-- A city near you but not that you live in State or Province Code (2 letters): CT <-the state this city is in State = CONNECTICUT Postal Code: 06714 <-- This HAS TO BE VALID!! Phone # with area code (e.g. 617-555-1212): 203-754-9390 <--Make one up.. Now think of a Membername. Your Membername is NOT your password. Your Membername identifies you to others for electronic mail, conferencing, and serves as your account number for Member Services and billing. It can be anything you like, from 3 to 12 letters and numbers, with no spaces or other punctuation. Your Membername is also known as your USERNAME. Once choosen, it can NEVER BE ALTERED OR CHANGED, so choose carefully! Here are some possible Membernames you might choose from. (Please wait a moment...) JULIOL JLOS JULOS JULIOLOS JULIO295 LOS295 Membername desired: beg2stop <-- a reasonable name.. You are signing up for the following Membership plan: DELPHI's Special Offer - Spend up to 5 hours on DELPHI during the current calendar month for FREE! Time spent beyond those hours will be billed at $1.80 per hour. At the end of the calendar month, you will be enrolled in DELPHI's 10/4 Plan, where a $10 monthly fee gets you 4 hours online each month. Additional use is $4 per hour. There is no sign-up fee for the 10/4 Plan. You have the option of upgrading to DELPHI's popular 20/20 Advantage Plan. The 20/20 Advantage Plan is $20 per month for 20 hours of use (with additional time $1.80 per hour). If you upgrade to the 20/20 Advantage Plan during your first month you'll save $10 off the standard sign-up fee of $19. Please note that this offer applies to the CALENDAR month, so that if your account is activated on the 29th, you will be enrolled in the 10/4 Plan (or the 20/20 Plan if you have selected that option) on the 1st of the following month - just 2 or 3 days later. If you do not wish to continue as a member after your free trial, you should send e-mail to username SERVICE (SERVICE@delphi.com for internet users) or call us at 1-800-695-4005 or 617-491-3393. Press RETURN to continue. There are several options for connecting to DELPHI. Option Evening/weekend Business hours surcharge surcharge ---------------------------- --------------- -------------- Direct Dial: none none Boston - 617-492-9600 Internet: address delphi.com none none SprintNet or Tymnet none (M-F 6pm-6am) $9/hour (M-F 6am-6pm) (all 48 states - instructions (Sat and Sun) provided during registration) Alaska, Hawaii, Canada and other International surcharges apply; details provided online ** Important note: The $9/hour daytime surcharge for access during business hours via SprintNet or Tymnet applies at all times, including special trial offers. This is also true for surcharges on access from Alaska, Hawaii, and other countries. Press RETURN to continue. To help you make the most out of DELPHI, we have published the comprehensive, 300-page handbook, "DELPHI: The Official Guide". You may purchase the Guide at any time online for $19.95, however you may order a copy now for $12.95. Would you like to order a copy of the handbook now for $12.95 plus $3.00 shipping? (Y/N) n Thank you for your selection. Now we need your billing information. This information is confidential and will not be used for purposes other than ongoing usage and other services that YOU authorize. Payment Method? (Enter VISA, MASTERCARD, DISCOVER, or HELP) : VISA Credit Card: VISA Credit Card Number: 4556-5734-8434-6974 Expiration Date (MMYY): 0895 Press RETURN to continue. For account verification purposes when you contact Member Services with questions about your account, we ask that you supply your mother's maiden name (last name only) or some other name or word unlikely to be known by anyone but you). Mother's maiden name: carcentinio Now think of an initial Password for your account. Your Password is NOT your Membername! Your Password is a secret string of characters that only you should know. Please note that you may need to select a new Password after you first login. Please choose an alphanumeric string (a-z, 0-9) between 6 and 12 characters in length. You may change it at any time within DELPHI. Secret Password: smile Your password should be between 6 and 12 characters long. Secret Password: smilepin Now let's find the nearest local access number. Please enter your 3 digit Area Code [203]: Choice City St Phone Speed 1 Bridgeport CT 203-335-5055 300/1200 2 Bridgeport CT 203-367-9130 2400 3 Bridgeport CT 203-332-7400 9600 4 Danbury CT 203-794-9075 300/1200 5 Danbury CT 203-792-5354 2400 6 Danbury CT 203-778-2022 9600 7 Hartford CT 203-247-9479 300/1200 8 Hartford CT 203-724-9396 2400 9 Hartford CT* 203-560-1385 9600 10 Middletown CT 203-344-8217 300/1200 11 Middletown CT 203-344-8217 2400 12 New Haven CT* 203-624-5945 9600 13 New Britain CT 203-225-7027 300/1200 14 New Britain CT 203-225-7027 2400 15 New London CT* 203-440-0656 9600 16 New Haven CT 203-624-5954 300/1200 17 New Haven CT 203-773-3569 2400 18 Stamford CT* 203-961-8371 9600 19 New London CT 203-447-8455 300/1200 20 New London CT 203-437-0909 2400 More? 21 Waterbury CT 203-759-1445 9600 22 Norwalk CT 203-866-7404 300/1200 23 Norwalk CT 203-866-7404 2400 24 Stamford CT 203-348-0787 300/1200 25 Stamford CT 203-359-9404 2400 26 Waterbury CT 203-753-4512 300/1200 27 Waterbury CT 203-756-0342 2400 Are any of these SPRINTNET numbers a local call for you? [Y] Y Please enter the number of your choice (RETURN to redisplay): 21 Please note: you are responsible for all long-distance or other phone service costs related to calling the nearest access number. Press RETURN to continue. Your USERNAME is: BEG2STOP Your PASSWORD is: SMILEPIN Your local access number is: 203-759-1445 This is a SPRINTNET number. Daytime surcharges ($9/hr) apply 6am-6pm weekdays your local time. IMPORTANT: write this information down now. You will need it to login. Please enter OK when ready to continue: You may now use DELPHI for up to 5 hours during this month for free. If you have questions or wish to cancel before the end of your initial month, call us at 1-800-695-4005 or 617-491-3393 IMPORTANT: write the following information down! To Sign On: <--Instructions--> 1. With your computer and modem, dial 203-759-1445 2. When connected enter @D, then RETURN Note that "@" is shift 2 and that "D" must be capitalized. These two characters may not echo on your screen when you type them. 3. When TERMINAL= appears, press RETURN 4. At the "@" prompt, enter C DELPHI and press RETURN 5. At the "Username:" prompt enter BEG2STOP 6. At the "Password:" prompt enter SMILEPIN This is a SPRINTNET number. Daytime surcharges apply 6am-6pm weekdays your local time. The standard settings for connecting to us are: No Parity, 8 Data Bits, 1 Stop Bit, and Full Duplex. Your Local Echo and Auto-linefeeds should be off. XON/XOFF or Handshaking should be enabled. VT100 terminal emulation is also desirable. Please enter OK when ready to continue: <-- End of Instructions --> Would you like to try a practice login now? (Y/N): n You may now login! If you need further assistance we can be reached at 1-800-695-4005 or 617-491-3393 You may dial 1-800-695-4002 by modem and enter password INFO for online assistance. Please wait. Thanks for visiting. Bye! ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� After this.. You call up the handy dandy dial-up and logon as explained in the above capture file.. Than Follow the prompts.. at the main prompt type "internet".. than type "register".. than type "Register" again.. than "Yes" just and last "Exit".. than you're all set.. this is the menu where you can FTP and IRC and stuff.. from now on just "InterNet" from the main.. and yer set.. have phun.. and fer a CC just use Credit-Master.. Well Have Phun on Delphi and LEECH ALOT!! Section 11... Sending a Car to Hell!! Our Favorite Ways To Send Cars To Hell TYRANT I read a text like this in another bigger production so i said what the hell the world can use another one if you've heard others than this E-Mail me on the following boards and they will be considered in following texts. Gateway To Hell Weird NAM(i call this one just about every day) Nuklear Wynter(this one too)since i can't spell here it's spelled TRYANT This text is how to destroy a car many of you know some of these not all. Some of the things in this text take a little bit of brains to do not a whole bunch you just have to know your way around a car. 1) If you've ever seen a m-1000 blow up you know what damage it can do well well some cars actually run the exaust manifold close enough to the oil pan. Sooo just tape your m-1000 to the oil pan and route the fuse to the exaust manifold so when the car gets heated up it will light the fuse and BOOM a nice sized hole in the oil pan. 2) A hole in the fule line is always nice to piss someone off. Just take a nail to the fule line. Some gas might even make it to the hot part of the engine if you do it right BOOM heh. 3) If you either know someone with a pool or have one yourself just take some of those chlorine tablets they. And antifreze don't mix. Put 'em in a plastic bag and open up the dorks radiator. CAUTION HOT RAIDITORS DO HAVE PRESSURE BEHIND 'EM so wait till the car cools down or else your whole hand may be fairly burnt. Ok now that i warned all you morons just take the bag and put it into the raidiator with the plastic bag's opening facing the top of the raidiator so no coolant gets into the bag if it does RUN. So if your ok up until now all you have to do is close the top of the radiator and go away. What it does is the radiato heats up and the bag melts off the radiator leaving the chlorine tablets to dissolve into the coolant. It then sets off some chemical reaction that i don't know the details of all i know is it really blows up big and this can be real hazadrous to an engine if it got inside it things like cracked cylinder walls and various other things if the explosion is big enough. 4) This one only works on cars with drum brakes and it only has to be done to the lines. On the front wheels where is a rubber line to the wheel cylinder just cut the rubber line not all the way through though just deep enough to withstand a little pressure so when the person who drives the car slams the brakes he won't be able to stop cuz all the pressure will be gone flowing out the busted line. Now that's a little drastic for my liking but if you really hate the person just do it. It will probably kill him and most definetly kill the car. 5) If your a complete moron and don't get out much heres a few of the more common ones: Slashed Tires(simple but good if expensive tires) Mothballs in gas tank Egg in gas tank NOTE: this may not work on all cars just the ones with the bigger slots in the funnel. Rubber Bands in gas tank Just about anything in the gas tank that will fit Soaped tires Potatoe in the mufflers(you really gotta get it up there good use a broom stick or somethin) 6) Take all the oil out of his car to do this just simply take a nail to the oil pan and just catch all the oil so no trace is left. The car will probably start so just watch his house the next moring. 7) If you want to see him destroy his own car just take a drill to the lock and open up his door and lock it from the inside do it on bolth sides he will probably have to smash the windows hehe. Section 12... MAKING LSD!! Making LSD By:Dysphunxion This is not an original text.. so don't think it's original.. it's just my favorite thing.. ask anyone.. I'm a real ACID-Head.. Ask Tyrant.. I think, of all the drugs on the black market today, LSD is the strangest. It is the most recent major drug to come to life in the psychedelic subculture. (Blah blah blah... let's get to the good stuff: How to make it in your kitchen!!) 1) Grind up 150 grams of Morning Glory seeds or baby Hawaiian wood rose seeds. 2) In 130 cc. of petroleum ether, soak the seeds for two days. 3) Filter the solution through a tight screen. 4) Throw away the liquid, and allow the seed mush to dry. 5) For two days allow the mush to soak in 110 cc. of wood alcohol. 6) Filter the solution again, saving the liquid and labeling it "1." 7) Resoak the mush in 110 cc. of wood alcohol for two days. 8) Filter and throw away the mush. 9) Add the liquid from the second soak to the solution labeled "1." 10) Pour the liquid into a cookie tray and allow it to evaporate. 11) When all of the liquid has evaporated, a yellow gum remains. This should be scraped up and put into capsules. 30 grams of Morning Glory seeds = 1 trip 15 Hawaiian wood rose seeds = 1 trip Many companies, such as Northop-King have been coating their seeds with a toxic chemical, which is poison. Order seeds from a wholesaler, as it is much safer and cheaper. Hawaiian wood rose seeds can be ordered directly from: Chong's Nursery and Flowers P.O. Box 2154 Honolulu, Hawaii LSD DOSAGES ----------- The basic dosages of acid vary according to what kind of acid is available and what medium of ingestion is used. Chemically, the potency of LSD-25 is measured in micrograms, or mics. If you're chemically minded or making your own acid, then computing the number of micrograms is very important. Usually between 500 and 800 mics is plenty for an 8 hour trip, depending on the quality of the acid, of course. I have heard of people taking as much as 1,500-2,000 mics. This is not only extremely dangerous, it is extremely wasteful. LSD comes packaged in many different forms. The most common are listed below: 1) The brown spot, or a piece of paper with a dried drop of LSD on it, is always around. Usually one spot equals one trip. 2) Capsuled acid is very tricky, as the cap can be almost any color, size, or potency. Always ask what the acid is cut with, as a lot of acid is cut with either speed or strychnine. Also note dosage. 3) Small white or colored tablets have been known to contain acid, but, as with capsuled acid, it's impossible to tell potency, without asking. Ok.. Most of this was from the Anarchist CookBook.. umm The Morning Glory seed can be gotten at a batgain store like Yankee Trader or Ocean-State Job Lot.. look around.. and if your having trouble finding petroleum ether try starting fluid for a car.. as for the wood alcohol look in the hardware store for denatured spirits.. these work the same.. most people think it's the alcohol and ether that make you trip but actually the liquids make the seeds turn to a fungus and the fungus like reacts to yer brain or somethin.. at least that's what my dad says.. well just remember that ODin' SUX MAJORLY Trust me.. :) until next time this is Dys the Acidic one say "Later dewd". Section 13... "*" Codes Well Everyone knows that *67 disables Caller ID and Makes it say "*PRIVATE*" on the other end.. well did you ever wonder about the rest of em?? well here's the entire list of "*" codes and how to activate and de-activate them.. dunno what you could use this for.. but it comes in handy sometimes.. Service Activate Deactivate ------------ -------- ---------- tone/pulse tone/pulse Automatic Callback *69 / 1169 *89 / 1189 Caller ID *65 / 1165 *85 / 1185 Caller ID Blocking *67 / 1167 Call Forwarding 72# / 72 73# / 73 Call Screening *60 / 1160 *80 / 1180 Call Waiting flash hook~ *70 / 1170 Distinctive Ringing *61 / 1161 *81 / 1181 Repeat Dialing *66 / 1166 *86 / 1186 Speed Calling-8 74# / 74 replace entry with new Speed Calling-30 75# / 75 replace entry with new Three-Way Calling flash hook~ flash hook~ note: ~flash hook~ actually reads "Press receiver button" Ok.. well that's them... You can use em for lotsa stuff.. just use your imagination.. well until next time.. This is Dys The Phreaker Sayin.. "Call Nuklear Wynter.. 2o3.758.o342 NUP:PurpleDust".. Section 14.. Ten-X Codes (10xxx) These are the codes that allow you to jump LD Carriers.. Like 10288 is advertised on TV as AT&T.. but didja ever wonder about the rest of em?? What other 10xxx Codes could there be?? Someone told me a real easy way to test em.. Here's how to test em.. Dial 10xxx-1-700-555-4141. You'll hear a recording with the name of the long distance carrier. In the next pak i'll release all of the TENEX Codes.. than you can enjoy rippin off small LD companies.. Section 15... Phone Book.. ������������������������������������������Ŀ �The Hackers Phone Book of Pirate BBSs v1.1� �������������������������������������������� Havok: Dysphunxion Havok '94 - Anarchy/Cracking/Graphics/Hacking/Phreaking/Virus Development BBS Name Phone # Location -------- ------- -------- Translucent Dreams 203-758-0342 * HAVOK WHQ!!! Pirate-80 304-744-2253 Hackers Hide Out 513-870-9566 Cincinnati, OH Matrix Develop Co. 210-699-6777 Digital Mafia Hq. Jagged Edge 305-362-7315 Mr. Ed's Corner 713-477-6119 Alpha 2010 210-687-9660 & only 14.4k 210-687-9111 House of Sin 217-864-4796 The Spade 609-443-5789 & 609-371-0369 XTC 512-346-3375 Inner Circle 904-259-3358 Jacksonville, Fl. Virii 914-993-6232 DCi HQ.. *This is an official HAVOK distribution Site &MultiNode Section 16... BlackList ����������������������������������������Ŀ The Hackers BlackList of Users v.01 � ������������������������������������������ Name: Mr. Bean (David Sawyer) Address: 10 Pratte Lane (Probably a cardboard box) City: Wolcott State: CT Phone Number: (203)879-5613 Note: A COMPLETE AND HELPLESS LAMER!!! This dude is rediculous.. He goes to my School.. and I can't stand him.. I think me and Tyrant are gonna have to Napalm his House.. Make sure you make plenty of Prank calls to this lamers House.. Boards he's on: LoD.. only cuz i gave him the warez to U/L.. i think hes got like a 2:1 U/L:D/L Ratio.. Wierd.. Good BBS.. Lots 'o' Warez.. this dude is too lame to be on 'Q' Continuum.. (No offense to Beware.. he just needs to do some work to his system..) Name: PsYcHo (Chris Oakes..) (This dude runs The Grotto) Address: SomeWhere in Oxford, CT.. Phone Number: (203)735-3803 Note: This dude let Trippin' Phreak and Blade on his board with SySop Access.. After they got on , they grapped the user lists.. Boards he's on: Dunno.. Heres a Teacher that really pissed me and Tyrant off!! He failed us from his class and got Tyrant's 14.4 taken away.. His Name is Mr. Adolph Paul BirkenBerger.. Heres the Run-Down: Name: Adolph Paul BirkenBerger... (No lie thats his true honest to god name) Address: 143 Potuccos Ring Rd.. City: Wolcott State: CT Phone Number: (203)879-0364 Things to do to him: Spray paint his goat.. Put a phuckin M-1000 in his tailpipe.. Scare the fuck outta him so he has a heart attack.. Prank Call him a real lot!!! Break his Windows.. And anything else you can think of... Note: This dude is over 50 years old and he's still handing out detentions left and right.. Almost all except for 1 (about 30)that I got this year were from this Fake Fuck Limp Dick.. I must have gotten at least 20 from him so far.. I'm still gettin 'em too.. I get 'em for shit like written on desks and beatin the shit outta this lamer (Brian Quick) and other shit like talkin' about his goat.. .. Section 17... Dys's WarDialer ������������������������������������������Ŀ � Dysphunxion's Wardialer v.01 � �������������������������������������������� 203-754-6657 Connects and just sits there (2400) 203-754-5675 TRW (2400-7-E-1) 203-754-6760 Connects and just sits there (1200) 203-754-6694 FAX 203-754-9720 Connects and just sits there (2400) 203-754-3068 Compuserv 203-754-7502 Connects and just sits there (9600) 203-754-5515 " " (300) 203-754-2720 " " (2400/v42BIS) 203-754-8239 " " (2400) 203-754-8650 " " (2400) 203-754-5767 " " (1200) 203-754-2581 Host Name: UIC: Password: (14400/V42BIS-7-e-1) 203-754-8590 Connects and just sits there (2400) 203-754-9286 Host Name: UIC: Password: 203-754-9280 Sheraton Hotel.. well this is most of 754 in The Waterbury Exchange.. I'll finish Wardialing it and put in a ToneLoc Map and Tonemap so you can view it.. Hav fun with these.. and if anyone makes any progess with these than LET ME KNOW!!! :) until next time this is Dys sayin "*67 IS FOR PUSSIES!!!".. Section 18... Closing Well this is the First HAVOK! Pak.. Hope ya like it better than the old A*S*S* Paks.. If ya have any comments or questions.. Email me at: CAPT GAGA@aol.com Reznornin@Delphi.com Well.. Hope you liked this pak... Remember we're always lookin for MEMBERS!! DISTROS!! AND CODERS!! Ohh Yeah.. There is also 2 user lists included in this pak.. they're only sucky lamer shareware/PD Boards but hey.. call em up and give em hell.. They Shall Feel the Power of HAVOK! If you wish to Apply than contact me (Dysphunxion) on my board Translucent Dreams.. 203-758-0342 or just wait till the next pak comes out with an app in it.. or.. contact me on any BBS with Havok Net!! End of HAVOK! Pak 1!!