IMF says growth will slow in coming months

By Iain Mackenzie BBC News, Washington

Growth in the global economy is likely to slow towards the end of 2010, the

International Monetary Fund is warning.

The IMF blames weakness in the financial sector and the crisis of confidence in

some national economies.

It is calling on the most developed countries to cut their budget deficits in

order to tackle the problem.

The IMF briefing note also sets out potential risk factors that could make

things worse, such as a deterioration of the US property market.

Gloomy reading

This is where the global financial crisis began and the IMF warns that the

supply of credit may begin to dry-up if the number of home repossessions there

continues to increase.

It also raises the possibility of more problems in the sovereign debt market,

similar to the crisis of confidence that left Greece requiring a 100bn euro

loan earlier this year.

The IMF briefing note makes gloomy reading.

Among the recommendations made in it is a call for governments to rebalance

their economies, with emerging markets, including those in Asia, encouraged to

focus less on exports and more in stimulating internal demand.

Conversely, the IMF suggests that advanced economies need to increase export

sales while cutting their budget deficits.